Changeset 5350 for trunk

Apr 29, 2015, 12:00:24 AM (9 years ago)

Resort methods in class definition by access in molvisviewer

1 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/molvisviewer.tcl

    r5160 r5350  
    4141    itk_option define -device device Device ""
    43     private variable _icon 0
    44     private variable _getimage 0
    45     private variable _mevent;           # info used for mouse event operations
    46     private variable _rocker;           # info used for rock operations
    47     private variable _dlist "";         # list of dataobj objects
    48     private variable _dataobjs;         # data objects on server
    49     private variable _dobj2transparency;# maps dataobj => transparency
    50     private variable _dobj2raise;       # maps dataobj => raise flag 0/1
    52     private variable _active;           # array of active models.
    53     private variable _obj2models;       # array containing list of models
    54                                         # for each data object.
    55     private variable _view
    56     private variable _click
    58     private variable _model
    59     private variable _mlist
    60     private variable _mrep "ballnstick"
    62     private variable _imagecache
    63     private variable _state
    64     private variable _labels "default"
    65     private variable _cacheid ""
    66     private variable _cacheimage ""
    67     private variable _first ""
    69     private common _settings  ;         # Array of settings for all known
    70                                         # widgets
    71     private variable _initialized
    73     private common _downloadPopup;      # Download options from popup
    74     private variable _pdbdata;          # PDB data from run file sent to pymol
    75     private common _hardcopy
    76     private variable _nextToken 0
    77     private variable _resizePending 0;
    78     private variable _updatePending 0;
    79     private variable _rotatePending 0;
    80     private variable _width
    81     private variable _height
    82     private variable _reset 1;          # Restore camera settings
    83     private variable _cell 0;           # Restore camera settings
    8543    constructor { servers args } {
    8644        Rappture::VisViewer::constructor $servers
    9452        Rappture::VisViewer::SetServerList "pymol" $namelist
    9553    }
    96     private method BuildSettingsTab {}
    97     private method DoResize {}
    98     private method DoRotate {}
    99     private method DoUpdate {}
    100     private method EventuallyResize { w h }
    101     private method EventuallyRotate { a b c }
    102     private method EventuallyChangeSettings { args }
    103     private method GetImage { widget }
    104     private method ReceiveImage { size cacheid frame rock }
    105     private method WaitIcon { option widget }
    106     private method AddImageControls { frame widget }
    107     private method SetWaitVariable { value } {
    108         set _getimage $value
    109     }
    110     private method WaitForResponse {} {
    111         tkwait variable [itcl::scope _getimage]
    112         return $_getimage
    113     }
    114     protected method Map {}
    115     protected method Pan {option x y}
    116     protected method Rebuild { }
    117     protected method Rotate {option x y}
    118     protected method SendCmd { string }
    119     protected method Unmap {}
    120     protected method Vmouse  {option b m x y}
    121     protected method Vmouse2 {option b m x y}
    122     protected method Zoom {option {factor 10}}
    12454    public method Connect {}
    12555    public method Disconnect {}
    13464        # do nothing
    13565    }
    137     private method UpdateState { args }
    13966    public method snap { w h }
     68    protected method Map {}
     69    protected method Pan {option x y}
     70    protected method Rebuild {}
     71    protected method Rotate {option x y}
     72    protected method SendCmd { string }
     73    protected method Unmap {}
     74    protected method Vmouse  {option b m x y}
     75    protected method Vmouse2 {option b m x y}
     76    protected method Zoom {option {factor 10}}
     78    private method AddImageControls { frame widget }
     79    private method BuildSettingsTab {}
     80    private method CartoonTrace {option {model "all"}}
     81    private method Cell {option}
     82    private method ComputeParallelepipedVertices { dataobj }
     83    private method DoResize {}
     84    private method DoRotate {}
     85    private method DoUpdate {}
     86    private method EventuallyChangeSettings { args }
     87    private method EventuallyResize { w h }
     88    private method EventuallyRotate { a b c }
     89    private method GetImage { widget }
    14090    private method Opacity {option}
     91    private method OrthoProjection {option}
     92    private method ReceiveImage { size cacheid frame rock }
     93    private method Representation { {option ""} }
     94    private method Rock {option}
     95    private method SetWaitVariable { value } {
     96        set _getimage $value
     97    }
    14198    private method SphereScale {option {models "all"} }
    14299    private method StickRadius {option {models "all"} }
    143     private method OrthoProjection {option}
    144     private method Representation { {option ""} }
    145     private method CartoonTrace {option {model "all"}}
    146     private method ComputeParallelepipedVertices { dataobj }
    147     private method Cell {option}
    148     private method Rock {option}
     100    private method UpdateState { args }
     101    private method WaitForResponse {} {
     102        tkwait variable [itcl::scope _getimage]
     103        return $_getimage
     104    }
     105    private method WaitIcon { option widget }
     107    private variable _icon 0
     108    private variable _getimage 0
     109    private variable _mevent;           # info used for mouse event operations
     110    private variable _rocker;           # info used for rock operations
     111    private variable _dlist "";         # list of dataobj objects
     112    private variable _dataobjs;         # data objects on server
     113    private variable _dobj2transparency;# maps dataobj => transparency
     114    private variable _dobj2raise;       # maps dataobj => raise flag 0/1
     116    private variable _active;           # array of active models.
     117    private variable _obj2models;       # array containing list of models
     118                                        # for each data object.
     119    private variable _view
     120    private variable _click
     122    private variable _model
     123    private variable _mlist
     124    private variable _mrep "ballnstick"
     126    private variable _imagecache
     127    private variable _state
     128    private variable _labels "default"
     129    private variable _cacheid ""
     130    private variable _cacheimage ""
     131    private variable _first ""
     133    private variable _initialized
     135    private variable _pdbdata;          # PDB data from run file sent to pymol
     136    private variable _nextToken 0
     137    private variable _resizePending 0;
     138    private variable _updatePending 0;
     139    private variable _rotatePending 0;
     140    private variable _width
     141    private variable _height
     142    private variable _reset 1;          # Restore camera settings
     143    private variable _cell 0;           # Restore camera settings
     145    private common _settings;           # Array of settings for all known
     146                                        # widgets
     147    private common _downloadPopup;      # Download options from popup
     148    private common _hardcopy
    181181    $_dispatcher register !rocker
    182182    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !rocker "[itcl::code $this Rock step]; list"
    183184    # Mouse Event
    184185    $_dispatcher register !mevent
    185186    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !mevent "[itcl::code $this _mevent]; list"
    186188    $_dispatcher register !pngtimeout
    187189    $_dispatcher register !waiticon
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