Changeset 5592 for trunk/gui

May 21, 2015, 4:28:27 AM (9 years ago)

Merge r5557:5561,r5574:5575 from 1.3 branch

3 edited


  • trunk

  • trunk/gui/scripts/balloon.tcl

    r4661 r5592  
    1 # -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
     1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
    22# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    33#  COMPONENT: Balloon - toplevel popup window, like a cartoon balloon
    4848    protected method _createStems {}
     49    protected method _place {where placement w h sw sh}
    5051    protected variable _stems   ;# windows for cartoon balloon stems
     127# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     128# USAGE: _place <where> <place> <pw> <ph> <screenw> <screenh>
     130# Called by activate. Returns the exact location information given
     131# the parameters.  If the window will not fit on the screen with the
     132# requested placement, will loop through all possible placements to
     133# find the best alternative.
     134# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     135itcl::body Rappture::Balloon::_place {where place pw ph screenw screenh} {
     136    # pw and ph are requested balloon window size
     138    # set placement preference order
     139    switch $place {
     140        left {set plist {left above below right}}
     141        right {set plist {right above below left}}
     142        above {set plist {above below right left}}
     143        below {set plist {below above right left}}
     144    }
     146    set ph_orig $ph
     147    set pw_orig $pw
     149    foreach placement $plist {
     150        set pw $pw_orig
     151        set ph $ph_orig
     152        if {[winfo exists $where]} {
     153            # location of top-left corner of root window
     154            set rx [winfo rootx $where]
     155            set ry [winfo rooty $where]
     157            # size of widget we want to popup over
     158            set width  [winfo width $where]
     159            set height [winfo height $where]
     161            # x and y will be location for popup
     162            set x [expr {$rx + $width/2}]
     163            set y [expr {$ry + $height/2}]
     165            switch -- $placement {
     166                left { set x [expr {$rx + 5}] }
     167                right { set x [expr {$rx + $width - 5}] }
     168                above { set y [expr {$ry + 5}] }
     169                below { set y [expr {$ry + $height - 5}] }
     170            }
     171        } elseif {[regexp {^@([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$} $where match x y]} {
     172            # got x and y
     173        } else {
     174            error "bad location \"$where\": should be widget or @x,y"
     175        }
     177        # compute stem image size
     178        set s $_stems($placement)
     179        set sw [image width $_fills($placement)]
     180        set sh [image height $_fills($placement)]
     181        set offscreen 0
     183        switch -- $placement {
     184            left {
     185                set sx [expr {$x-$sw+3}]
     186                set sy [expr {$y-$sh/2}]
     187                set px [expr {$sx-$pw+3}]
     188                set py [expr {$y-$ph/2}]
     190                # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
     191                if {$py < 0} {
     192                    incr offscreen [expr -$py]
     193                    set py 0
     194                }
     195                if {$py+$ph > $screenh} {
     196                    incr offscreen [expr {$py + $ph - $screenh}]
     197                    set py [expr {$screenh - $ph}]
     198                }
     199                if {$px < 0} {
     200                    incr offscreen [expr -$px]
     201                    set pw [expr {$pw + $px}]
     202                    set px 0
     203                }
     204            }
     205            right {
     206                set sx $x
     207                set sy [expr {$y-$sh/2}]
     208                set px [expr {$x+$sw-3}]
     209                set py [expr {$y-$ph/2}]
     211                # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
     212                if {$py < 0} {
     213                    incr offscreen [expr -$py]
     214                    set py 0
     215                }
     216                if {$py+$ph > $screenh} {
     217                    incr offscreen [expr {$py + $ph - $screenh}]
     218                    set py [expr {$screenh-$ph}]
     219                }
     220                if {$px+$pw > $screenw} {
     221                    incr offscreen [expr {$px + $pw - $screenw}]
     222                    set pw [expr {$screenw-$px}]
     223                }
     224            }
     225            above {
     226                set sx [expr {$x-$sw/2}]
     227                set sy [expr {$y-$sh+3}]
     228                set px [expr {$x-$pw/2}]
     229                set py [expr {$sy-$ph+3}]
     231                # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
     232                if {$px < 0} {
     233                    incr offscreen [expr -$px]
     234                    set px 0
     235                }
     236                if {$px+$pw > $screenw} {
     237                    incr offscreen [expr {$px + $pw - $screenw}]
     238                    set px [expr {$screenw-$pw}]
     239                }
     240                if {$py < 0} {
     241                    incr offscreen [expr -$py]
     242                    set ph [expr {$ph+$py}]
     243                    set py 0
     244                }
     245            }
     246            below {
     247                set sx [expr {$x-$sw/2}]
     248                set sy $y
     249                set px [expr {$x-$pw/2}]
     250                set py [expr {$y+$sh-3}]
     252                # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
     253                if {$px < 0} {
     254                    incr offscreen [expr -$px]
     255                    set px 0
     256                }
     257                if {$px+$pw > $screenw} {
     258                    incr offscreen [expr {$px + $pw - $screenw}]
     259                    set px [expr {$screenw-$pw}]
     260                }
     261                if {$py+$ph > $screenh} {
     262                    incr offscreen [expr {$py + $py - $screenh}]
     263                    set ph [expr {$screenh-$py}]
     264                }
     265            }
     266        }
     267        set res($placement) [list $placement $offscreen $pw $ph $px $py $sx $sy]
     268        if {$offscreen == 0} {
     269            return "$placement $pw $ph $px $py $sx $sy"
     270        }
     271    }
     273    # In the unlikely event that we arrived here, it is because no
     274    # placement allowed the entire balloon window to be displayed.
     275    # Loop through the results and return the best-case placement.
     276    set _min 10000
     277    foreach pl $plist {
     278        set offscreen [lindex $res($pl) 1]
     279        if {$offscreen < $_min} {
     280            set _min $offscreen
     281            set _min_pl $pl
     282        }
     283    }
     284    return "$_min_pl [lrange $res($_min_pl) 2 end]"
    125287# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    126288# USAGE: activate <where> <placement>
    129291# <where> location, which should be a widget name or @X,Y.  The
    130292# <placement> indicates whether the panel should be left, right,
    131 # above, or below the <where> coordinate.
     293# above, or below the <where> coordinate. Plecement is considered
     294# a suggestion and may be changed to fit the popup in the screen.
    132295# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    133296itcl::body Rappture::Balloon::activate {where placement} {
    135298        error "bad placement \"$placement\": should be [join [lsort [array names _stems]] {, }]"
    136299    }
    137     set s $_stems($placement)
    138     set sw [image width $_fills($placement)]
    139     set sh [image height $_fills($placement)]
     301    # if the panel is already up, take it down
     302    deactivate
    140304    set p $itk_component(hull)
    141305    set screenw [winfo screenwidth $p]
    142306    set screenh [winfo screenheight $p]
    144     if {[winfo exists $where]} {
    145         set x [expr {[winfo rootx $where]+[winfo width $where]/2}]
    146         set y [expr {[winfo rooty $where]+[winfo height $where]/2}]
    147         switch -- $placement {
    148             left { set x [expr {[winfo rootx $where]+5}] }
    149             right { set x [expr {[winfo rootx $where]+[winfo width $where]-5}] }
    150             above { set y [expr {[winfo rooty $where]+5}] }
    151             below { set y [expr {[winfo rooty $where]+[winfo height $where]-5}] }
    152         }
    153     } elseif {[regexp {^@([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$} $where match x y]} {
    154         # got x and y
    155     } else {
    156         error "bad location \"$where\": should be widget or @x,y"
    157     }
    159     # if the panel is already up, take it down
    160     deactivate
    162308    set pw [winfo reqwidth $p]
    165311    if {$ph > $screenh} { set ph [expr {$screenh-10}] }
    167     switch -- $placement {
    168         left {
    169             set sx [expr {$x-$sw+3}]
    170             set sy [expr {$y-$sh/2}]
    171             set px [expr {$sx-$pw+3}]
    172             set py [expr {$y-$ph/2}]
    174             # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
    175             if {$py < 0} { set py 0 }
    176             if {$py+$ph > $screenh} { set py [expr {$screenh-$ph}] }
    177             if {$px < 0} { set pw [expr {$pw+$px}]; set px 0 }
    178         }
    179         right {
    180             set sx $x
    181             set sy [expr {$y-$sh/2}]
    182             set px [expr {$x+$sw-3}]
    183             set py [expr {$y-$ph/2}]
    185             # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
    186             if {$py < 0} { set py 0 }
    187             if {$py+$ph > $screenh} { set py [expr {$screenh-$ph}] }
    188             if {$px+$pw > $screenw} { set pw [expr {$screenw-$px}] }
    189         }
    190         above {
    191             set sx [expr {$x-$sw/2}]
    192             set sy [expr {$y-$sh+3}]
    193             set px [expr {$x-$pw/2}]
    194             set py [expr {$sy-$ph+3}]
    196             # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
    197             if {$px < 0} { set px 0 }
    198             if {$px+$pw > $screenw} { set px [expr {$screenw-$pw}] }
    199             if {$py < 0} { set ph [expr {$ph+$py}]; set py 0 }
    200         }
    201         below {
    202             set sx [expr {$x-$sw/2}]
    203             set sy $y
    204             set px [expr {$x-$pw/2}]
    205             set py [expr {$y+$sh-3}]
    207             # make sure that the panel doesn't go off-screen
    208             if {$px < 0} { set px 0 }
    209             if {$px+$pw > $screenw} { set px [expr {$screenw-$pw}] }
    210             if {$py+$ph > $screenh} { set ph [expr {$screenh-$py}] }
    211         }
    212     }
    213     if {[info exists _masks($placement)]} {
    214         shape set $s -bound photo $_masks($placement)
    215     }
     313    foreach {place pw ph px py sx sy} [_place $where $placement $pw $ph $screenw $screenh] break
     315    set s $_stems($place)
     316    if {[info exists _masks($place)]} {
     317        shape set $s -bound photo $_masks($place)
     318    }
    216320    if { $pw < 1 || $ph < 1 }  {
    217321        # I really don't know why this is happenning.  I believe this occurs
    308412            #
    309413            #     --------  ---       LEFT STEM
    310             #    |..##    |  ^ 
     414            #    |..##    |  ^
    311415            #    |  ..##  |  |        . = light color
    312416            #    |    ..##|  | s      @ = dark color
  • trunk/gui/scripts/histogram.tcl

    r3330 r5592  
    1 # -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- 
     1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
    33# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    44#  COMPONENT: histogram - extracts data from an XML description of a field
    3737    protected method Build {}
    3838    private method Clear { {comp ""} }
    39     private method ParseData { comp } 
     39    private method ParseData { comp }
    4141    private variable _xmlobj ""  ;# ref to lib obj with histogram data
    4242    private variable _hist ""    ;# lib obj representing this histogram
    43     private variable _widths     ;# array of vectors of bin widths 
    44     private variable _yvalues    ;# array of vectors of bin heights along 
     43    private variable _widths     ;# array of vectors of bin widths
     44    private variable _yvalues    ;# array of vectors of bin heights along
    4545                                 ;# y-axis.
    46     private variable _xvalues    ;# array of vectors of bin locations along 
     46    private variable _xvalues    ;# array of vectors of bin locations along
    4747                                 ;# x-axis.
    4848    private variable _xlabels    ;# array of labels
    7474    # don't destroy the _xmlobj! we don't own it!
    7575    itcl::delete object $_hist
    76     Clear 
    77 }
    79 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 # USAGE: mesh 
     76    Clear
     79# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     80# USAGE: mesh
    8282# Returns the vector for the histogram bin locations along the
    9292# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 # USAGE: heights 
     93# USAGE: heights
    9595# Returns the vector for the histogram bin heights along the y-axis.
    104104# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    105 # USAGE: widths 
     105# USAGE: widths
    107107# Returns the vector for the specified histogram component <name>.
    118118# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    119 # USAGE: xlabels 
     119# USAGE: xlabels
    121121# Returns the vector for the specified histogram component <name>.
    188188    }
    190     blt::vector create tmp 
     190    blt::vector create tmp
    191191    blt::vector create zero
    192192    foreach comp [array names _comphist] {
    257257            xdesc   xaxis.description
    258258            xunits  xaxis.units
    259             xorient xaxis.orientation 
     259            xorient xaxis.orientation
    260260            xscale  xaxis.scale
    261261            xmin    xaxis.min
    342342#       Parse the components data representations.  The following
    343343#       elements may be used <xy>, <xhw>, <namevalue>, <xvector>,
    344 #       <yvector>.  Only one element is used for data. 
     344#       <yvector>.  Only one element is used for data.
    346346itcl::body Rappture::Histogram::ParseData { comp } {
    354354    if { $xydata != "" } {
    355355        set count 0
    356         foreach line [split $xydata \n] {
    357             if {[llength $line] == 2} {
    358                 foreach {name value} $line break
    359                 $_yvalues($comp) append $value
    360                 $_xvalues($comp) append $count
    361                 lappend _xlabels($comp) $name
    362                 incr count
    363             }
    364         }           
     356        foreach {name value} [regsub -all "\[ \t\n]+" $xydata { }] {
     357            $_yvalues($comp) append $value
     358            $_xvalues($comp) append $count
     359            lappend _xlabels($comp) $name
     360            incr count
     361        }
    365362        set _comp2hist($comp) [list $_xvalues($comp) $_yvalues($comp)]
    366363        return
    369366    if { $xhwdata != "" } {
    370367        set count 0
    371         foreach line [split $xhwdata \n] {
    372             set n [scan $line {%s %s %s} name h w]
    373             if {$n >= 2} {
    374                 lappend _xlabels($comp) $name
    375                 $_xvalues($comp) append $count
    376                 $_yvalues($comp) append $h
    377                 if { $n == 3 } {
    378                     $_widths($comp) append $w
    379                 }
    380                 incr count
    381             }
    382         }           
     368        foreach {name h w} [regsub -all "\[ \t\n]+" $xhwdata { }] {
     369            lappend _xlabels($comp) $name
     370            $_xvalues($comp) append $count
     371            $_yvalues($comp) append $h
     372            $_widths($comp) append $w
     373            incr count
     374        }
    383375        set _comp2hist($comp) [list $_xvalues($comp) $_yvalues($comp)]
    384376        return
    386         # FIXME:  There must be a width specified for each bin location.
    387         #         If this isn't true, we default to uniform widths
    388         #         (zero-length _widths vector == uniform).
    389         if { [$_xvalues($comp) length] != [$_widths($comp) length] } {
    390             $_widths($comp) set {}
    391         }
    392         set _comp2hist($comp) [list $_xvalues($comp) $_yvalues($comp)]
    393         return
    394     }
    395     set xv [$_hist get $comp.xvector]
    396     set yv [$_hist get $comp.yvector]
    397     if { $xv != "" && $yv != "" } {
    398         $_yvalues($comp) set $yv
    399         $_xvalues($comp) seq 0 [$yv length]
    400         set _xlabels($comp)
    401     }
     377    }
     379    # If we reached here, must be <yvector>
     380    $_yvalues($comp) set [$_hist get ${comp}.yvector]
     381    $_xvalues($comp) length [$_yvalues($comp) length]
     382    $_xvalues($comp) seq 1 [$_yvalues($comp) length]
     383    set _xlabels($comp) [$_hist get ${comp}.xvector]
    402384    set _comp2hist($comp) [list $_xvalues($comp) $_yvalues($comp)]
    422404    }
    423405    if { [info exists _widths($comp)] } {
    424         blt::vector destroy $_widths($comp) 
     406        blt::vector destroy $_widths($comp)
    425407    }
    426408    if { [info exists _yvalues($comp)] } {
    427         blt::vector destroy $_yvalues($comp) 
     409        blt::vector destroy $_yvalues($comp)
    428410    }
    429411    if { [info exists _xvalues($comp)] } {
    430         blt::vector destroy $_xvalues($comp) 
     412        blt::vector destroy $_xvalues($comp)
    431413    }
    432414    array unset _xvalues $comp
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