Changeset 6260 for trunk/gui/scripts

Apr 11, 2016, 10:32:48 PM (8 years ago)

code style fix

2 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/flowvisviewer.tcl

    r6241 r6260  
    128128    private variable _arcball ""
    129     private variable _dlist ""         ;# list of data objects
    130     private variable _obj2ovride       ;# maps dataobj => style override
    131     private variable _datasets         ;# contains all the dataobj-component
    132                                        ;# to volumes in the server
    133     private variable _dataset2style    ;# maps dataobj-component to transfunc
    134     private variable _style2datasets   ;# maps tf back to list of
     129    private variable _dlist "";         # list of data objects
     130    private variable _obj2ovride;       # maps dataobj => style override
     131    private variable _datasets;         # maps dataobj-component
     132                                        # to volumes in the server
     133    private variable _dataset2style;    # maps dataobj-component to transfunc
     134    private variable _style2datasets;   # maps tf back to list of
    135135                                        # dataobj-components using the tf.
    136     private variable _dataset2flow     ;# Maps dataobj-component to a flow.
    138     private variable _reset 1          ;# Connection to server has been reset.
    139     private variable _click            ;# Info used for rotate operations.
    140     private variable _limits           ;# Autoscale min/max for all axes
    141     private variable _view             ;# View params for 3D view
    142     private variable _isomarkers       ;# array of isosurface level values 0..1
     136    private variable _dataset2flow;     # Maps dataobj-component to a flow.
     138    private variable _reset 1;          # Connection to server has been reset.
     139    private variable _click;            # Info used for rotate operations.
     140    private variable _limits;           # Autoscale min/max for all axes
     141    private variable _view;             # View params for 3D view
     142    private variable _isomarkers;       # array of isosurface level values 0..1
    143143    private variable _settings
    144     private variable _activeTf ""      ;# Currently active transfer function
    145     private variable _first ""         ;# This is the topmost volume.
    146     private variable _volcomponents    ;# Maps component name to list of
    147                                        ;# dataobj-component tags
    148     private variable _componentsList   ;# List of components found
     144    private variable _activeTf "";      # Currently active transfer function
     145    private variable _first "";         # This is the topmost volume.
     146    private variable _volcomponents;    # Maps component name to list of
     147                                        # dataobj-component tags
     148    private variable _componentsList;   # List of components found
    149149    private variable _nextToken 0
    150150    private variable _icon 0
    156156    private variable _gotoPending 0
    158     private common _downloadPopup      ;# download options from popup
     158    private common _downloadPopup;      # download options from popup
    159159    private common _hardcopy
  • trunk/gui/scripts/nanovisviewer.tcl

    r6240 r6260  
    120120    private variable _arcball ""
    121     private variable _dlist ""         ;# list of data objects
    122     private variable _obj2ovride       ;# maps dataobj => style override
    123     private variable _datasets         ;# contains all the dataobj-component
    124                                        ;# to volumes in the server
    126     private variable _reset 1          ;# Connection to server has been reset.
    127     private variable _click            ;# Info used for rotate operations.
    128     private variable _limits           ;# Autoscale min/max for all axes
    129     private variable _view             ;# View params for 3D view
     121    private variable _dlist "";         # list of data objects
     122    private variable _obj2ovride;       # maps dataobj => style override
     123    private variable _datasets;         # maps dataobj-component
     124                                        # to volumes in the server
     126    private variable _reset 1;          # Connection to server has been reset.
     127    private variable _click;            # Info used for rotate operations.
     128    private variable _limits;           # Autoscale min/max for all axes
     129    private variable _view;             # View params for 3D view
    130130    private variable _parsedFunction
    131131    private variable _transferFunctionEditors
    132132    private variable _settings
    133     private variable _first ""         ;# This is the topmost volume.
    134     private variable _current ""       ;# Currently selected component
    135     private variable _volcomponents    ;# Maps component name to list of
    136                                        ;# dataobj-component tags
    137     private variable _componentsList   ;# List of components found
     133    private variable _first "";         # This is the topmost volume.
     134    private variable _current "";       # Currently selected component
     135    private variable _volcomponents;    # Maps component name to list of
     136                                        # dataobj-component tags
     137    private variable _componentsList;   # List of components found
    138138    private variable _cname2transferFunction
    139139    private variable _cname2defaultcolormap
    143143    private variable _resizeLegendPending 0
    145     private common _downloadPopup      ;# download options from popup
     145    private common _downloadPopup;      # download options from popup
    146146    private common _hardcopy
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