================================================================================ On connection, send 32-bit little endian int indicating memory requirements (comsumed by nanoscale server before exec-ing vtkvis) ================================================================================ Requests: screen bgcolor screen size renderer clipplane Set a user clipping plane, ratio is [0,1] and is always interpreted as 0 = min_bound, 1 = max_bound, regardless of direction. Sign of direction determines normal of clipping plane. User clip planes do not apply if camera mode is image. renderer depthpeel Set use of depth peeling algorithm for transparency renderer light2side Toggle use of two-sided lighting (controls if backfaces are lit with a flipped normal) renderer render Force a new image to be rendered - use for advancing animation axis color Set color of axis lines, labels, titles, ticks axis flymode = static_edges|static_triad|outer_edges|furthest_triad|closest_triad axis grid axis labels Toggle visibility of axis labels = x|y|z|all axis name axis tickpos <position> Set position of ticks on 3D axes (not implemented for 2D axes) <position> = inside|outside|both axis ticks <axis> <bool> Toggle visibility of axis tick marks <axis> = x|y|z|all axis units <axis> <units> Currently only supported when camera mode is not image mode axis visible <axis> <bool> <axis> = x|y|z|all Note: 'all' means all enabled axes. To force all axes on, set each axis on individually -- however, it is best to let the server determine which of the individual axes are enabled based on the dataset bounds. camera get Request current camera parameters camera mode <mode> <mode> = persp|ortho|image camera orient <quatW> <quatX> <quatY> <quatZ> Set scene orientation using a quaternion camera ortho <coordMode> <x> <y> <width> <height> <coordMode> = pixel|world Supply bounds of plot area for image camera mode camera pan <x> <y> <x,y> viewport coordinates (window center at 0,0). Positive x pan means pan object to right (camera to left). Positive y pan means pan object down (camera up). For example a pan of 0.5, 0.5 would move the object center to the lower right corner of the window camera reset <?all?> Option all resets orientation/rotation as well as pan/zoom/clip range camera rotate <yaw> <pitch> <roll> Specify relative rotation in Euler angles camera set <posX> <posY> <posZ> <focalPtX> <focalPtY> <focalPtZ> <viewUpX> <viewUpY> <viewUpZ> Set camera parameters: camera position, focal point and view up vector camera zoom <z> Specify zoom ratio. z > 1 is a zoom in, z < 1 is zoom out. z = 1 resets to default. colormap add <colorMapName> <colorMap> <opacityMap> colorMap = Tcl list of {value r g b} control points opacityMap = Tcl list of {value alpha} control points colormap delete <?colorMapName?> legend <colormapName> <legendType> <legendTitle> <width> <height> <numLabels> <?datasetName?> Causes legend to be rendered and written back with labels and title (title may be left blank) <legendType> = scalar|vmag|vx|vy|vz <numLabels> Can be zero or more 'tick' value labels If datasetName is omitted, the cumulative data range of all data sets will be used to label the legend -- otherwise, the current setting of 'dataset maprange' will be used to determine if the individual dataset range or cumulative range will be used. dataset add <datasetName> data follows <nbytes> dataset color <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> Set color of outline bounding box dataset delete <?datasetName?> dataset getscalar world <x> <y> <z> <datasetName> dataset getscalar pixel <x> <y> <datasetName> dataset getvector world <x> <y> <z> <datasetName> dataset getvector pixel <x> <y> <datasetName> Use pixel for image camera mode dataset maprange <val> <val> = all|visible|separate Controls if data range for colormapping and contours is based on cumulative range of all datasets ("all"), only visible datasets ("visible") or each individual dataset ("separate"). Defaults to "all" dataset opacity <val> <?datasetName?> dataset outline <bool> <?datasetName?> Toggle wireframe outline of dataset's bounding box dataset scalar <scalarName> <?datasetName?> Set the active scalar field to plot dataset vector <vectorName> <?datasetName?> Set the active vector field to plot dataset visible <bool> <?datasetName?> contour2d add numcontours <n> <?datasetName?> Generate evenly spaced contours including range endpoints. See also 'dataset maprange' command. contour2d add contourlist <list> <?datasetName?> list = {isoval1 isoval2 isoval3...} contour2d color <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> synonym for linecolor contour2d delete <?datasetName?> contour2d lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> contour2d linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> synonym for color contour2d linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> contour2d opacity <val> <?datasetName?> contour2d orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> contour2d pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> contour2d scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> contour2d visible <bool> <?datasetName?> contour3d add numcontours <n> <?datasetName?> Generate evenly spaced contours including range endpoints. See also 'dataset maprange' command. contour3d add contourlist <list> <?datasetName?> list = {isoval1 isoval2 isoval3...} contour3d ccolor r g b <?datasetName?> contour3d colormap <colorMapName> <?dataSetName?> contour3d delete <?datasetName?> contour3d edges <bool> <?datasetName?> contour3d lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> contour3d linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> contour3d linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> contour3d opacity <val> <?datasetName?> contour3d orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> contour3d pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> contour3d scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> contour3d visible <bool> <?datasetName?> contour3d wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> glyphs add <shape> <?dataSetName?> See 'glyphs shape' for list of shapes glyphs ccolor r g b <?datasetName?> glyphs colormap <colorMapName> <?dataSetName?> glyphs colormode <scalar|vmag|ccolor> <?dataSetName?> Set the color mode: color by scalar field or vector magnitude -- uses the current color map, or ccolor for constant color glyphs delete <?dataSetName?> glyphs edges <bool> <?datasetName?> glyphs gscale <scaleFactor> <?datasetName?> Set glyph scaling factor glyphs lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> glyphs linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> glyphs linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> glyphs normscale <bool> <?datasetName?> Control if data values are normalized to [0,1] range before applying glyph scaling factor (gscale) glyphs opacity <val> <?datasetName?> glyphs orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> glyphs pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> glyphs scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> glyphs shape <arrow|cone|cube|cylinder|dodecahedron|icosahedron|line|octahedron|sphere|tetrahedron> <?datasetName?> glyphs smode <scalar|vmag|vcomp|off> <?dataSetName?> Set the scaling mode: use the scalar field, vector magnitude (uniform scale), vector components, or disable scaling glyphs visible <bool> <?datasetName?> glyphs wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> heightmap add numcontours <n> <heightScale> <?dataSetName?> Generate evenly spaced contours including range endpoints. See also 'dataset maprange' command. heightmap add contourlist <list> <heightScale> <?dataSetName?> list = {isoval1 isoval2 isoval3...} heightmap colormap <colorMapName> <?dataSetName?> heightmap contourlist <list> <?dataSetName?> heightmap delete <?dataSetName?> heightmap edges <bool> <?dataSetName?> heightmap heightscale <value> <?dataSetName?> heightmap isolinecolor <r> <g> <b> <?dataSetName?> heightmap isolines <bool> <?dataSetName?> heightmap isolinewidth <width> <?dataSetName?> heightmap lighting <bool> <?dataSetName?> heightmap linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?dataSetName?> heightmap linewidth <width> <?dataSetName?> heightmap numcontours <n> <?dataSetName?> heightmap opacity <value> <?dataSetName?> heightmap orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> heightmap pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> heightmap scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> heightmap surface <bool> <?dataSetName?> Toggle rendering of colormapped surface (mountain plot or cutplane) heightmap visible <bool> <?dataSetName?> heightmap volumeslice axis ratio <?dataSetName?> For 3D data, select a slice along a principle axis of the volume. The ratio is [0,1] heightmap wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> lic add <?datasetName?> lic colormap <colormapName> <?datasetName?> lic delete <?datasetName?> lic edges <bool> <?datasetName?> lic lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> lic linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> lic linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> lic opacity <val> <?datasetName?> lic orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> lic pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> lic scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> lic visible <bool> <?datasetName?> lic volumeslice <axis> <ratio> <?datasetName?> molecule add <?datasetName?> molecule atoms <bool> <?datasetName?> Toggle rendering of atoms molecule bonds <bool> <?datasetName?> Toggle rendering of bonds molecule colormap <colormapName> <?datasetName?> molecule delete <?datasetName?> molecule edges <bool> <?datasetName?> molecule lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> molecule linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> molecule linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> molecule opacity <val> <?datasetName?> molecule orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> molecule pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> molecule rscale <val> <?dataSetName?> Atom radius scaling val = van_der_walls|covalent|atomic|none molecule scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> molecule visible <bool> <?datasetName?> molecule wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> polydata add <?datasetName?> polydata color <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> polydata delete <?datasetName?> polydata edges <bool> <?datasetName?> polydata lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> polydata linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> polydata linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> polydata opacity <val> <?datasetName?> polydata orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> polydata pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> polydata ptsize <size> <?dataSetName?> polydata scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> polydata visible <bool> <?datasetName?> polydata wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor add <?datasetName?> pseudocolor ccolor r g b <?datasetName?> pseudocolor colormap <colormapName> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor colormode <scalar|vmag|vx|vy|vz|ccolor> <?datasetName?> Set the field used to color the object. 'ccolor' means to use the constant color defined by the ccolor subcommand. 'scalar' uses the active scalar field. 'vmag' uses the magnitude of the current vector field, and 'vx','vy','vz' use the corresponding component of the active vector field. pseudocolor delete <?datasetName?> pseudocolor edges <bool> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor opacity <val> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> pseudocolor pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> pseudocolor scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> pseudocolor visible <bool> <?datasetName?> pseudocolor wireframe <bool> <?datasetName?> streamlines add <?datasetName?> streamlines ccolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> Set the constant color of streamlines used for color mode 'ccolor' streamlines colormap <colormapName> <?datasetName?> Colormap used to color streamlines/tubes/ribbons by vector magnitude streamlines colormode <scalar|vmag|vx|vy|vz|ccolor> <?datasetName?> Set the field used to color the streamlines. 'ccolor' means to use the constant color defined by the ccolor subcommand. 'scalar' uses the active scalar field. 'vmag' uses the magnitude of the current vector field, and 'vx','vy','vz' use the corresponding component of the active vector field. streamlines delete <?datasetName?> streamlines edges <bool> <?datasetName?> Turn on/off edges for tubes, ribbons streamlines length <?datasetName?> Set maximum length in world coordinates of streamlines streamlines lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> streamlines linecolor <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> Set color of edges for tubes, ribbons (lines are colored by colormap) streamlines lines <?datasetName?> Set rendering type to polylines streamlines linewidth <val> <?datasetName?> streamlines opacity <val> <?datasetName?> streamlines orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> streamlines pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> streamlines ribbons <width> <angle> <?datasetName?> Set rendering type to ribbons, width is minimum half-width, angle is degrees offset from normal orientation streamlines scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> streamlines seed color <r> <g> <b> <?datasetName?> streamlines seed disk <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <normalX> <normalY> <normalZ> <radius> <innerRadius> <numPoints> <?dataSetName?> Create a disk seed area with optional hole, filled with randomly placed points streamlines seed fmesh <numPoints> data follows <nbytes> <?datasetName?> Fill a mesh supplied as a VTK data file with randomly placed points streamlines seed fpoly <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <normalX> <normalY> <normalZ> <angle> <radius> <numSides> <numPoints> <?dataSetName?> Create a regular n-sided polygonal seed area filled with randomly placed points streamlines seed mesh data follows <nbytes> <?datasetName?> Use points of a mesh supplied as a VTK data file streamlines seed points <?datasetName?> Use points of the streamlines' dataset mesh streamlines seed polygon <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <normalX> <normalY> <normalZ> <angle> <radius> <numSides> <?dataSetName?> Create seed points from vertices of a regular n-sided polygon streamlines seed rake <startX> <startY> <startZ> <endX> <endY> <endZ> <numPoints> <?datasetName?> streamlines seed random <numPoints> <?datasetName?> Fill the streamlines' dataset mesh with randomly placed points streamlines seed visible <bool> <?datasetName?> streamlines tubes <numSides> <radius> <?datasetName?> Set rendering type to tubes, numSides is number of sides of tubes, radius is minimum tube radius streamlines visible <bool> <?datasetName?> volume add <?datasetName?> volume colormap <colorMapName> <?datasetName?> volume delete <?datasetName?> volume lighting <bool> <?datasetName?> volume orient <qw> <qx> <qy> <qz> <?dataSetName?> volume pos <x> <y> <z> <?dataSetName?> volume scale <sx> <sy> <sz> <?dataSetName?> volume shading ambient <coeff> <?datasetName?> volume shading diffuse <coeff> <?datasetName?> volume shading specular <coeff> <power> <?datasetName?> volume visible <bool> <?datasetName?> ================================================================================ Replies: nv>camera set <posX> <posY> <posZ> <focalPtX> <focalPtY> <focalPtZ> <viewUpX> <viewUpY> <viewUpZ> Reply to "camera get" nv>image -type image -bytes <nbytes> <binary RGB data> nv>image -type image -bbox {x y w h} -bytes <nbytes> <binary RGB data> The bounding box of the 2D image camera zoom region is supplied Note: The bbox coordinates are in the form used by 'camera ortho world ...': x,y - world coordinate of lower left corner, w,h - width height in world coords This form is currently used only if the camera mode is set to 'image'. nv>legend <colormapName> <title> <rmin> <rmax> <nbytes> <binary RGB data> nv>dataset scalar world <x> <y> <z> <value> <dataSetName> nv>dataset scalar pixel <x> <y> <value> <dataSetName> nv>dataset vector world <x> <y> <z> <valueX> <valueY> <valueZ> <dataSetName> nv>dataset vector pixel <x> <y> <valueX> <valueY> <valueZ> <dataSetName> ================================================================================ Errors: Prefixed with "VtkVis Server Error: " Currently not guaranteed to be on a single line