/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * ====================================================================== * AUTHOR: Wei Qiao * Purdue Rendering and Perceptualization Lab (PURPL) * * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * ====================================================================== */ // constrain particle to be outside volume of a sphere void SphereConstraint(inout float3 x, float3 center, float r) { float3 delta = x - center; float dist = length(delta); if (dist < r) { x = center + delta*(r / dist); } } // constrain particle to be above floor void FloorConstraint(inout float3 x, float level) { if (x.y < level) { x.y = level; } } // constrain particle to heightfield stored in texture void TerrainConstraint(inout float3 pos, uniform sampler2D terrain_tex, float3 scale, float3 offset) { float2 uv = (pos.xz - offset.xz) / scale.xz; float h = tex2D(terrain_tex, uv).r*scale.y + offset.y; if (pos.y < h) { pos.y = h; } } void SphereCollide(inout float3 x, inout float3 vel, float3 center, float r, float3 sphere_vel, float friction, inout float3 force) { float3 delta = x - center; float dist = length(delta); if (dist < r) { // x = center + delta*(r / dist); vel += (delta / dist) * friction; vel += sphere_vel; } } void FloorCollide(inout float3 x, inout float3 vel, float level, float friction, inout float3 force) { if (x.y < level) { // x.y = level; // force.y += -vel.y*friction; vel.y += -vel.y*friction; } } void Gravitation(float3 pos, float3 mass_pos, inout float3 force, float epsilon) { float3 delta = mass_pos - pos; float dist = length(delta); float3 dir = delta / dist; force += dir * (1.0 / (epsilon + dist*dist)); } void TerrainCollide(float3 pos, inout float3 vel, uniform sampler2D terrain_tex, float3 scale, float3 offset, float friction) { const float2 texelSize = float2( 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0 ); float2 uv = (pos.xz - offset.xz) / scale.xz; float h0 = tex2D(terrain_tex, uv).r; float h = h0*scale.y + offset.y; if (pos.y < h) { // calculate normal (could precalc this) float h1 = tex2D(terrain_tex, uv + texelSize*float2(1, 0) ).r; float h2 = tex2D(terrain_tex, uv + texelSize*float2(0, 1) ).r; float3 N = cross(float3(scale.x*texelSize.x, (h1-h0)*scale.y, 0), float3(0, (h2-h0)*scale.y, scale.z*texelSize.y)); N = normalize(N); vel = reflect(vel, N); vel *= friction; } } struct a2v { //For semantics, see pages 230-240 of Cg_Toolkit.pdf float4 Position : POSITION; float4 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; }; struct v2f { float4 HPosition: HPOS; //Clip space pos. Not readable in frag prog float4 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float3 EyeVector: TEXCOORD1; //world space eye vector float3 Light : TEXCOORD2; //world space light vector }; struct PixelOut { float4 Color: COLOR0; //float Depth: DEPTH; };