AC_INIT([Rappture], 1.0, []) dnl Select an optional include path, from a configure option dnl or from an environment variable. AC_ARG_WITH([rappture-include], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-rappture-include=INCLUDE_PATH], [the location of Rappture header files]), [rappture_include_path=$withval]) RAPPTURE_CPPFLAGS="-I." if test [ -n "$rappture_include_path" ] ; then RAPPTURE_CPPFLAGS="-I. -I${rappture_include_path}" else if test [ -n "${RAPPTURE_INCLUDE}" ] ; then RAPPTURE_CPPFLAGS="-I. -I${RAPPTURE_INCLUDE}" fi fi dnl ditto for a library path AC_ARG_WITH([rappture-lib], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-rappture-lib=LIB_PATH], [the location of Rappture libraries]), [rappture_lib_path=$withval]) if test [ -n "$rappture_lib_path" ] ; then LIBS="-L${rappture_lib_path} ${LIBS}" else if test [ -n "${RAPPTURE_LIBS}" ] ; then LIBS="-L${RAPPTURE_LIBS} ${LIBS}" fi fi dnl Now find the compiler and compiler flags to use : ${R_HOME=`R RHOME`} if test -z "${R_HOME}"; then echo "could not determine R_HOME" exit 1 fi CC=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CC` CPP=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CPP` CFLAGS=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CFLAGS` CPPFLAGS=`"${R_HOME}/bin/R" CMD config CPPFLAGS` CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} ${RAPPTURE_CPPFLAGS}" dnl Check the headers can be found AC_CHECK_HEADERS(RpLibrary.h RpUnits.h RpUtils.h) if test "${ac_cv_header_RpLibrary_h}" = no || test "${ac_cv_header_RpUnits_h}" = no || test "${ac_cv_header_RpUtils_h}" = no; then AC_MSG_ERROR("Rappture headers RpLibrary.h, RpUnits.h, RpUtils.h not found") fi dnl search for a library containing Rappture functions AC_SEARCH_LIBS(rpLibrary, rappture, , AC_MSG_ERROR("no librappture with RpLibrary found")) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(rpConvert, rappture, , AC_MSG_ERROR("no librappture with RpUnits found")) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(rpUtilsProgress, rappture, , AC_MSG_ERROR("no librappture with RpUtils found")) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long, 4) dnl substitute RODBC_CPPFLAGS and LIBS AC_SUBST(RAPPTURE_CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LIBS) dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([src/config.h]) dnl and do subsitution in the src/ and src/config.h AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/Makevars]) AC_OUTPUT