# # This file is read by nanoscale to determine which ports to listen # to and the how to start the associated render server. # # Render servers # # Server Port Usage # ====== ==== ===== # nanovis 2000 production # vtkvis 2010 production # geovis 2015 testing # vmdshow 2018 testing # pymolproxy 2020 production # # The syntax is # server ?? # cmd # env # # Registers a server by at port . # When a connection is made to , is run. # Environment variables will be set before executing command. # # Note: Don't set DISPLAY here. nanoscale itself sets the DISPLAY # variable. # # Defaults: # - Server reads from file descriptor 0. # - Server writes to descriptor 1. # - Server stdout and stderr are redirected to a log file. # # GeoVis -- # Server Type Map and globe renderer # Port 2015 # Threaded yes # Notes: # server geovis 2015 -output 3 -logstdout 0 -logstderr 0 cmd @exec_prefix@/bin/geovis -o 3 -t 43260 -p @libdir@/resources env LD_LIBRARY_PATH @libdir@ env OSGEARTH_DEFAULT_FONT /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf env __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 0 # NanoVis -- # Server Type Volume renderer # Port 2000 # Threaded yes # Notes: # server nanovis 2000 -output 3 -logstdout 0 -logstderr 0 cmd @exec_prefix@/bin/nanovis -o 3 -t 43260 -p @libdir@/shaders:@libdir@/resources env LD_LIBRARY_PATH @libdir@ env __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 0 # VtkVis -- # Server Type VTK based 3D renderer # Port 2010 # Threaded yes # Notes: # server vtkvis 2010 -output 3 -logstdout 0 -logstderr 0 cmd @exec_prefix@/bin/vtkvis -o 3 -t 43260 env LD_LIBRARY_PATH @libdir@ env __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 0 # PymolProxy -- # Server Type Molecular layouts using Pymol viewer # Port 2020 # Threaded yes # Notes: # - Need PYMOL_SITE_PATH for parallelpiped box.py location. # - For debug tracing, redirect stderr of the proxy to a log file. # server pymolproxy 2020 -logstdout 0 -logstderr 0 -combinelogs 0 cmd @exec_prefix@/bin/pymolproxy -t 43260 -- @exec_prefix@/bin/pymol -p -q -i -x -X 0 -Y 0 env PYMOL_SITE_PATH @libdir@/pymol env LD_LIBRARY_PATH @libdir@ env __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 0 # VmdShow -- # Server Type Molecular layouts using VMD viewer (for mdshowcase) # Port 2018 # Threaded no # Notes: # - Commands are sent directly to the VMD process that uses custom # TCL code to process. # - Redirect input to descriptor 3: Otherwise VMD will get select hit. # - Redirect output to descriptor 4: Lots of information written to # stdout and stderr of VMD. Captured in log file. # - Executing binary without wrapper shell script. Requires VMDDIR set. # - Meshing programs surf and msms require explicit environment variables. # - Client doesn't send data files to VMD, but file paths. Unlikely # client will block on a large write. # server vmdshow 2018 -input 3 -output 4 -combinelogs 1 cmd @libdir@/vmd/vmd_LINUXAMD64 -startup @libdir@/vmd/vmdserver.tcl -args -stdio env VMDDIR @libdir@/vmd env SURF_BIN @libdir@/vmd/surf env MSMSSERVER @libdir@/vmd/msms env STRIDE_BIN @libdir@/vmd/stride env __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK 0