
Version 3 (modified by dkearney, 19 years ago) (diff)


Getting Started with Rappture

Want to get started using Rappture to build a scientific application? Then read on! This page is for you.
Want to get started developing the internals of Rappture itself? Then read the tips for NewDevelopers.

...Add tutorial example here...

Rappture/Fortran? API

Currently in development are the fortran bindings to the Rappture Development Toolkit.

Subroutine Index:

rp_init ()
rp_quit ()
rp_lib (int* handle, char* path)
rp_lib_xml (int* handle, char* retText, int* retText_len)
rp_lib_element_obj (int* handle, char* path, int* newHandle)
rp_lib_element_str (int* handle, char* path, char* format, char* retText, int* retText_len)
rp_lib_children_obj (int* handle, char* path, char* type, ...more args... )
rp_lib_children_obj (int* handle, char* path, char* type, ...more args... )
rp_lib_get (int* handle, char* path, char* retText, int* retText_len)
rp_lib_put_str (int* handle, char* path, char* value, char* id, int* append)
rp_lib_put_obj (int* handle, char* path, int* objHandle, char* id, int* append)
rp_lib_remove (int* handle, char* path)
rp_lib_remove_obj (int* handle, char* path, int* objHandle)

Code Synopsis & Examples:

rp_init ()

Purpose: Initialize the Rappture Plugin
Input Arguments: None
Return Value: None
Notes: None

call rp_init()

rp_quit ()

Purpose: Remove the Rappture Plugin and cleanup memory used by Rappture
Input Arguments: None
Return Value: None
Notes: None

call rp_quit ()

rp_lib (int* handle, char* path)

Purpose: Retrieve an object reference (handle) to the file pointed to by path for accessing member functions of Rappture
Input Arguments:

  1. int* handle - user reference to the Rappture library
  2. char* path - non-null c style string providing the path to an xml file
    Return Value: None
  3. User must request a handle to Rappture before accessing any member functions of the library.
  4. handle must not be NULL, on success the value in handle will be a positive integer
  5. path must be a non-null c-style null terminated string
    integer*8 handle
    character*60 path
    path = "create_xml_test.xml"//CHAR(0)
    call rp_lib(handle,path)

rp_lib_xml (int* handle, char* retText, int* retText_len)

Purpose: Get the xml text of the current object associated with handle
Input Arguments:

  1. int* handle - user reference to the Rappture library.
  2. char* retText - character array where xml text will be stored on return.
  3. int* retText_len - length of the character array retText.
    Return Value: None
  4. handle must not be NULL.
  5. retText must not be NULL. On successful return, retText will hold the xml text of the library associated with handle
    integer*8 handle
    character*550 retText
    call rp_lib_xml(handle,retText,LEN(retText))
    print *, retText

rp_lib_element_obj (int* handle, char* path, int* newHandle)

Purpose: Query the DOM path of the object associated with handle and store the handle of the returned object in newHandle
Input Arguments:

  1. int* handle - user reference to the Rappture library.
  2. char* path - xml DOM object path.
  3. int* newHandle - handle to an object reference of returned element provided by path
    Return Value: None