Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of RpString

Oct 3, 2005, 9:02:49 AM (19 years ago)



  • RpString

    v2 v3  
    1414How to use:
    1515 * check out the example use in the test program in the svn repository.
    16    1. The program is located in the test directory, read and understand it.
    17    2. You can compile the program by going to the source directory (src) and issuing the command `make test`.
    18    3. Go to the bin directory and run the program ./RpString_test
    19  * check out the header file for the class, located in the include/core directory
    20  * check out the class definition located in the src/core directory
     16   1. The program is located under the directory path rappture/test/src, read and understand it.
     17   2. You can compile the program by going to the directory rappture/src and issuing the command `make libRpObject`.
     18   3. Next goto the directory rappture/test and issue the command `make RpString_test`.
     19   4. Run the program ./RpString_test
     20 * check out the header file for the class, located in the rappture/include/core directory
     21 * check out the class definition located in the rappture/src/core directory
    2122 * to include this class into your application:
    22    1. Go to the src directory
    23    2. Issue command `make libRpString`
    24    3. Compile your application against the shared object library libRpString, which will be located in the lib directory
     23   1. Go to the directory path rappture/src
     24   2. Issue command `make libRpObject`
     25   3. Compile your application against the shared object library libRpObject, which will be located in the rappture/src directory
    2627Design Comments / Considerations / Future Changes: