
Version 15 (modified by mmc, 18 years ago) (diff)

added limits info

Zoo of Inputs/Outputs?

Welcome to the zoo of Rappture elements! This page shows the various snippets of XML code needed to create a Rappture tool.xml file.

Overall Structure

Each tool is described by a tool.xml file, which has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Name of the tool</title>
    <about>Description and credits</about>
      @tool/path/to/executable @driver
    ...see Element Index below...
    ...see Element Index below...

The <tool> section describes the underlying compute engine and includes the command needed to run it. This can be any Unix-style command line. The @tool keyword gets replaced with the name of the directory containing the tool.xml file. The executable for the compute engine is usually located relative to that. The @driver keyword gets replaced with the name of the driver XML file that the Rappture GUI creates for a particular run. It is usually the first argument to the executable for the compute engine.

The optional <limits> section can be used to set limits on the amount of CPU time or the size of files that a simulator produces. This keeps runaway programs in check. By default, each simulator is allowed 900 seconds (15 mins) of CPU time and 1MB for each file produced. You can increase or decrease either of these limits. You can also set either value to unlimited to remove the limits. (Please use that feature sparingly'')

The <input> and <output> sections contain descriptions of the inputs and outputs for the underlying compute engine. See the Element Index below for details.

Element Index

This is the list of all input/output elements in Rappture. Look in the rappture/examples/zoo directory for the various snippets of code shown here.