MODULE 4 - Quantum Mechanics: "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans: Going Atomic
Teaching Materials | 15 Nov 2020 | Contributor(s): Rachel Altovar, Susan P Gentry
The last and final module in the "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans, studies basic concepts in quantum mechanics such as quantum dots, band gap theory of solids, waves vs. particles, and the photoelectric effect. The activity for this module...
MODULE 3 - Structures: "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans: Going Atomic
In MODULE 3- Structures in the "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans, crystal structures and systems are investigated. This module relates back to graphene and how its structure relates back to its unique properties in comparison to other forms of...
MODULE 2 - Sizes: "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans: Going Atomic
Teaching Materials | 13 Nov 2020 | Contributor(s): Rachel Altovar, Susan P Gentry
The next installment of Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans delves into the concept of size and how materials and their properties may change at the macro-, micro-, and nanoscale. Activities include viewing images from a microscope to determine...
MODULE 1 - Graphene: "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans: Going Atomic
The first module in "Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans, explores the material, graphene, how it was discovered, and the unique properties that it has. The activity paired with this lesson plan re-creates the famous "sticky-tape"...
"Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots" Supplementary Lesson Plans: Going Atomic
Series | 15 Nov 2020 | Contributor(s): Rachel Altovar, Susan P Gentry
Expanding on the pre-existing resource on nanoHUB: “Turning Fruit Juice into Graphene Quantum Dots” this resource expands on the concepts in the experimental guide to give a comprehensive overview of materials pertaining to concepts and ideas within the...
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