The X.MESH, Y.MESH, Z.MESH lines


  X.Mesh  node  location  density
  Y.Mesh  node  location  density
  Z.Mesh  node  location  density


The X.MESH and Y.MESH lines specify the location of grid lines in a rectangular mesh. Z.MESH lines specify the locations of grid planes in the depth dimension to either rectangular or nonrectangular 2D grids.


  Node  =  integer

This is the number of the line in the mesh. At present, there can be at most 300 lines in either direction. Lines are assigned consecutively, beginning with the first and ending with the last.


  Location  =  real

This is where to locate the line. The location is interpreted in microns.


  Ratio         =  real
  Density or H  =  real

These parameters define the grid line spacing or density; only one may be specified. DENSITY (or H) gives an exact density (in microns). RATIO gives the ratio to use when interpolating lines between those given in the X.MESH/Y.MESH input. The spacing grows/shrinks by RATIO in each subinterval and should usually lie between 0.667 and 1.5.


Space grid lines closely around a junction (at 0.85mm) in a 1D diode:

  Y.MESH N=1 LOC=0.0 
  Y.MESH N=20 LOC=0.85 RATIO=0.75
  Y.MESH N=40 LOC=2 RATIO=1.333