Theories in Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

By Ming Chen

Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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  • Ming Chen (2024), "Theories in Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations,"

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Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
SMMDS Lecture 1: Introduction View video1570018525.mp4
Welcome to the theories in Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulation!  Have you been puzzled on what to learn after elementary statistical mechanics? Have you had questions on...

SMMDS Lecture 2: Lagrangian Mechanics I View video1127478903.mp4
This lecture introduce a different formulism of classical mechanics: Lagrangian mechanics. Lagrangian mechanics provides a systematic way to generate time evolution equations for a many-body system.

SMMDS Lecture 3: Lagrangian Mechanics II View video1370125845.mp4
This lecture continues the discussion on Lagrangian Mechanics, including discussion on generalized coordinates and some examples.

SMMDS Lecture 4: Hamiltonian Mechanics View video1556331437.mp4
This lecture introduce a third formulism of classical mechanics: Hamiltonian Mechanics. Hamiltonian Mechanics provides a fundamental theory for molecular dynamics simulation. 

SMMDS Lectue 5: Potential Energy Function View video1952872727.mp4
This lecture introduce the potential energy function used in Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian machanics. Specifically, the lecture introduce how to use quantum mechanics to generate a...

Lecture 6: Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Common Force Field Forms View video1066221008.mp4
This lecture introduce a type of approximated potential energy function: force fields. A set of common function forms used for simulating molecular systems are discussed. 

Lecture 7: Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Calculating Non-bounded Interactions in Real Space View video1494245336.mp4
This lecture discusses details about how to calculate non-bounded interactions in real space.

SMMDS Lecture 8: Molecular Dynamics Simulation - Coulomb Interaction and Ewald Summation View HTML
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This lecture introduce the detailed methods of calculating Coulomb interactions and the Ewald summation method.

SMMDS Lecture 9: Molecular Dynamics Simulation - Ewald Summation View HTML
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This lecture introduce the detailed theoretical background and implementation of Ewald Summation/Particle Mesh Ewald Summation.