Spectroscopic Studies of Dye-Metal Complexes

By Starre Williams

Norfolk State University

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Faculty Advisor(s): Drachev, Noginov, Shalaev

In the previous works concerning metal-molecule interactions interesting properties of a new spectral band in luminescence were observed. It was also shown in previous works that Ag-dye complexes placed in a micro-cavity provide multiplicative enhancement for luminescence and Raman scattering. This work presents the results on surface enhanced Raman scattering of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) detected with nanostructured Ag films. Ag films were fabricated using vacuum evaporated technique. Surface enhanced Raman scattering is known as a very promising way to detect vibrational finger-prints of molecules at a very low concentration. Rhodamine 6G was diluted with water to obtain concentrations that ranged from 10 -3 to 10-7 M. The solutions of R6G were then deposited on an Ag coated glass-substrate and allowed to dry. The spectroscopic properties of dye-metal nanostructure complexes were investigated by using a Renishaw Raman spectrometer and Roper scientific spectrometer at excitation wavelength of 532 nm and 568.2 nm, respectively. The spectra were collected from a 50 micron region. The calculated surface density of R6G was 15 mole/nm2. The maximum specific intensity is about 536.8 counts/mW·s measured for the 612.28 cm -1 Raman peak. The Surface-Enhanced Raman spectra of Rhodamine 6G deposited on vacuum evaporated Ag film will be reported.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Starre Williams (2004), "Spectroscopic Studies of Dye-Metal Complexes," https://nanohub.org/resources/741.

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