Quantum Dots Visualization Software using Electron Wave Function

By Patrick Macnamara1; Laurie St. Ange2

1. University of Michigan 2. Morgan State University

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Faculty Advisor(s): Ebert, Klimeck, Qiao

The viewing of electron orbitals is a necessary element in the investigation of quantum dot structures as well as in their conceptualization. With an electron wave function superimposed over a crystalline quantum dot structure containing a million to three million atoms, we adapted the marching tetrahedra algorithm to extract iso-surfaces for specified values of the electron wave function. The program generates a fully interactive 3D model of the orbitals within the quantum dot structure in the Extensible 3D (X3D) standard language, the successor to the international VRML standard. The X3D standard exhibits a range of compatibility from web browsers to dedicated virtual reality machines. Having successfully generated the 3D images of the quantum dot orbitals, a functional computer program has been established for the further investigation of these structures.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Patrick Macnamara, Laurie St. Ange (2004), "Quantum Dots Visualization Software using Electron Wave Function," https://nanohub.org/resources/744.

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