Tags: Refraction

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  1. Sand and Multiple Light Scattering

    Teaching Materials | 23 Aug 2021 | Contributor(s):: Denise Kapler, NNCI Nano

    Nanoparticles and other nanoscale materials are often analyzed through the specialized use of light scattering. Several techniques use the light scattered from small particles to estimate their size distribution; these techniques employ light absorption, laser diffraction, and dynamic light...

  2. Interferencia de Capas Finas (Thin Films)

    Teaching Materials | 24 Apr 2020 | Contributor(s):: Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Deb Newberry, Christopher Kumm, Jim Marti (editor), Rodfal A. Rodríguez (editor), María T. Rivera (editor)

    En este módulo, los estudiantes aprenderán sobre las propiedades ópticas de las capas finas. Realizarán un experimento en el que aplicarán una capa fina sobre un pedazo de papel de cartulina o de construcción. De esta forma podrán observar...

  3. Understanding Waveguides: Light at the Nanoscale

    Teaching Materials | 13 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Marilyn Garza, NNCI Nano

    There are three lessons for this activity that help students understand how light can travel through a waveguide for communication purposes. Students will first explore the angle of refraction. Next they will create a gelatin waveguide to explore issues associated with light and waveguides....

  4. Thin Films

    Teaching Materials | 27 Aug 2018 | Contributor(s):: NISE Net, Deb Newberry (editor), Christopher Lee Kumm (editor), James J Marti (editor), Nano Link

    In this module, students will learn about the optical properties of thin films. Students will perform an experiment where they will apply a thin film to a piece of card stock paper. The students can then observe the optical properties of the thin film. This resource contains multiple documents...

  5. Making a Liquid Crystal Thermometer

    Teaching Materials | 09 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Rano Sidhu, NNCI Nano

    Liquid crystals are matter that has properties between those of a liquid and a solid. Liquid crystals may flow like a liquid but have crystals like a solid.colors of the objects are Color is the outcome of various light properties: absorption, refraction, or reflection. In the case of liquid...

  6. Lecture 16: Optical Traps - Part 1

    Online Presentations | 16 Apr 2008 | Contributor(s):: Paul R Selvin

    First Optical Trap built, Reflection, Refraction, Brownian motionYann Chemla - Assistant Professor of Physics - University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana