Wish List - Wish List: Wish #55

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Steven Clark

Replace contribtool email with messages.

Contribtool currently generate email to make notifications of state change (Registered,Created,…,Published). In addition the application team and the nanoHUB team are given a mechanism to exchange email. A ticket is used to hold a history of all exchanges. It is not completely clear what members receive the various email notifications.

All message should be sent by the new message system with appropriate controls added for members to control the notification method.

Comments (2)

  1. Margaret Shepard Morris

    fyi, I receive notifications that I had “registered” when I opened a non-administrative account in order to run through the tool registration process. The process was closed, and I received notification of that.

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  2. Alissa Nedossekina

    Your wish has been granted. I will leave its status as pending until the new code has been tested live and no problems occur.

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