Questions and Answers

All (941-20 of 20)
1592 Nearfield not working?
Asked by Anonymous Open 1
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Asked by Afiq Hamzah Open 0
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1590 Problem launching job
Asked by Arjyajyoti Goswami Open 0
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1589 when I runn with my own exe.lammps 3 minimize has done but at fix 1 all nvt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0 this error apear: ERROR: All pair coeffs are not set (../pair.cpp:175) I will be very thankfull.
Asked by Anonymous Open 1
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1588 failled to load some modules due to the gtk2 insallation
Asked by meca alias Open 0
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1587 what is conduction band alignment ratio of AlAs/InGaAs/AlAs DBQW ?
Asked by Bilal Tirmizi Open 0
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1586 I would like to obtain the 3D volume of the Bulk Heterojunction generated by the tool. Kindly advice.
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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1585 Is it possible to use pre-calculated data as input?
Asked by Thanusit Burinprakhon Open 1
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1584 Is it allowed to download abinit output files from my storages?
Asked by Thanusit Burinprakhon Open 1
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1583 how to simulate insulator in a GNRFET with matlab?
Asked by fatima h Open 0
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1582 Need a book suggestion understand the functionality of neurons (intra- and extracellular activities)
Asked by Jeff Open 1
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1581 Essential Prime Implicants
Asked by Debasmit Das Open 0
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1577 Hi, can you please send me a sample of your input data to Thank you in adv
Asked by Xingyi Wu Open 0
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1576 user guide
Asked by Tanya Faltens Open 0
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1575 In which program i should do a simulation of signal attenuation in optical fiber
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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1574 How is rotational averaging calculated in this program?
Asked by David Holdaway Open 1
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1572 3D diffusion plot?
Asked by Tanya Faltens Open 0
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1571 I am getting undefined code include error while running lammps tool
Asked by Sunil H Ganatra Closed 1
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1568 Problem while installing VEDA in my Macbook Pro, Mountain Lion
Asked by Jorge Rodríguez Ramos Open 0
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1567 Can we investigate temperature variability with Stanford CNFET HSPICE model for our circuit.
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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