What are resources?
Resources are user-submitted pieces of content that range from video presentations to publications to simulation tools.
Who can submit a resource?
Anyone can submit a resource! Resources must be relevant to the community and may undergo a short approval process to ensure all appropriate files and information are included.
Find a resource
Full academic or short courses consisting of voiced or video lectures and associated teaching materials.
Data Exploration
Data exploration is a type of resource that allows you to leverage nanoHUB's custom data.
Online Presentations
An online presentation is a voiced lecture, seminar, or presentation of some sort and may contain a video component.
A paper is a publication relevant to the community such as thesis, supplementary documents, user guides, manuals, etc.
Presentation Materials
Presentation materials are materials that are related to a presentation such as Powerpoint slides.
Series are collections of other resources, typically online presentations, that cover a specific topic.
Teaching Materials
Teaching materials are resources that are supplementary materials that are intended for educational use such as: study notes, guides, presentation content, homework sets, etc.