Questions and Answers

All (181-20 of 20)
2503 How to generate .omg files
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2502 example with csv file
Asked by Antonio Cumbrera Open 1
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2501 Oxide materials ?
Asked by saravana prakash Open 0
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2500 How do I apply your code for Zr, ZrO and ZrO2 nanotubes?
Asked by saravana prakash Open 0
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2499 Is this tool can be modified to introduce breakdown at the juction due to applied high electric field?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2498 data-file generator produces error but creates LAMMPS data file
Asked by Gyorgy Hantal Open 2
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2497 GaN transistors - TTF
Asked by Saleh Shaheen Open 0
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2496 Need help repairing my hoverboard
Asked by Eleanor Owen Open 0
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2495 What is the file or text format for uploaded material properties ?
Asked by Abdul Basit Closed 1
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2494 pair_style AIREBO error
Asked by Hiba Aljayuousi Open 0
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2493 MatLab mu = CNTMobility error
Asked by Monika Snowdon Open 0
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2492 how to add contact layer in this simulation tool
Asked by Madhusree Acharya Closed 1
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2491 why the bandgap in first layer(n-type) of Si solar cell is assigned as 1.03eV instead of 1.12eV?
Asked by Madhusree Acharya Closed 2
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2490 1. how to incorporate a new absorption file in this tool?
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1
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2489 About missing bond angle error
Asked by Kapil Surve Open 1
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2488 How to write Dielectric Options File
Asked by Athan ZXYT Open 0
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2487 What does this tool show?
Asked by Tanya Faltens Open 0
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2486 generate lammps code with force field
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2485 Question of inputting correct effective masses
Asked by Lara Danisman Open 0
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2484 LAMMPS Run
Asked by Oluwatola Abiodun Fabamise Open 0
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