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Problem installing NanoMOS Version 4.0.4

I have a windows 10 system and I tried installing NanoMOS Version 4.0.4. I downloaded the file available in the nanohub website, but the installation file wont run. Can anyone please advise as to what can be done? Thank you.

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    Xufeng Wang

    There is no need to "install" nanoMOS, as it is a MATLAB code. 

    The Makefile and other "installation" related items are for nanoHUB only. When deploying nanoHUB tools, the MATLAB code is required to be compiled into binary; when you download and use it locally, you do not need to compile it. So, you can simply ignore the Makefile. To use nanoMOS, find the main function (recalling from my memory, but it should be something obvious like "main.m").

    Hopefully this helps.

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      Thank you for the response. I tried running the main.m file in MATLAB R2015b but it gave an error in the code:

      Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

      Error in main (line 113)
      if criterion_outer <= 1e-4 && (transport_model == 2 || transport_model == 3)

      Please guide as to what to do. Thank you.

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