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Jin-Gyu Kim

atomic coordinate

As your reply : The developers of Rappture, the software which makes the nanoHUB simulation tools available through a web browser, are working on this feature. You will be able to click the download button to get the atomic coordinates used in a molecule visualization.

—> Unfortunately, I can obtain only simultaion result only by image format when I click the download boutton as your comment. I want atomic coordinates really

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    The tool now allows for a download of a pdb formatted data file with the atom positions. I checked it with a local Macpymol client on my own machine Thank you to the nanoHUB team for fixing this!

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3 Responses

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    Benjamin P Haley

    Hi, Thanks for following up! The feature you requested is currently under development.

    When it is released (in a future version of Rappture) you _will_ (in the future) be able to click the download button to get the atomic coordinates. Currently, as you noted, you can only get an image of the atoms. Sorry for the confusion.

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    Benjamin P Haley

    Hi, Thanks for your interest in the nanoHUB. Your request has been added to the NCN @ Purdue tool wish list, at

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  3. 0 Like 0 Dislike


    The tool now allows for a download of a pdb formatted data file with the atom positions. I checked it with a local Macpymol client on my own machine Thank you to the nanoHUB team for fixing this!

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