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Oliver Gomes

Can anyone tell me the names of US Universities good for Nanoelectronics?

Can anyone tell me the names of US Universities good for Nanoelectronics since I plan to apply for PhD in Fall 2010?

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4 Responses

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    You can have a look here: (excellent master in Europe)

    Or go to Europe for a PhD (Paris, Grenoble, Delft, etc.)…

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    Gerhard Klimeck

    Part of the answer depends on your desire to either focus on experimental, theoretical, or modeling/simulation work.

    The Network for Computational Nanotechnology is comprised mostly of theorists and computational experts at 6 Universities: Purdue, Northwestern, Berkeley, Illinois, Norfolk State and UTEP. Of these 6 Universities, Purdue is the center with the most critical mass in Nanoelectronics. There are over 60 graduate students working in theoretical and computational aspects of Nanoelectronics. The faculty members there are: Datta /members/9409, Lundstrom /members/2862, Alam /members/2624, Klimeck /members/3482, and Strachan/members/13594.

    There are other good Nanoelectronic research groups in the U.S.

    The Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue is a new fabrication facility with some 170 active graduate students conducting experimental research, large numbers of these are in nanoelectronics.

    The NNIN is a Network of Universities focused on experimental work in Nanotechnology and might be a good reference as well.

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    Ahmed Ibrahim Saeed

    Purdue rules for sure then…Arizona State University(ASU),there exists Prof.Dragica Vasileska ,one of the very active researchers in Computational NanoElectronics.

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    sandeep mandava

    this is from my knowledge because i see these univ names most of the time in the literatures…

    PURDUE UNIV STANFORD MIT Pennsylvania univ Louisiana Tech University University of Albany University of California, Berkeley

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