Questions and Answers

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Ashish Agrawal

Shows absolute current-voltage characteristics. Whats the area?


The latest version of the tool outputs absolute current-voltage curve, rather than earlier current density-voltage curve. What is the area that ie being used to calculate absolute current? Or how can I get current density (A/cm2) from the current.

Please help


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    Arun Goud Akkala


    The unit should be A/um2. The tool will soon be updated to reflect this. Thank you for pointing out this error.

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2 Responses

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    SungGeun Kim

    Thank you for this question. We will get back to you with answers shortly.

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    SungGeun Kim


    I believe the unit of the current is incorrect. The current is normalized by the area and the unit is (A/cm^2).

    Thank you.

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