MSE 597H: Introduction to the Materials Science of Rechargeable Batteries

By R. Edwin Garci­a

Materials Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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  • R. Edwin Garci­a (2013), "MSE 597H: Introduction to the Materials Science of Rechargeable Batteries,"

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1103 Armstrong, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


MSE 597 Introduction to the Materials Science of Rechargeable Batteries

Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
MSE 597H Lecture 1: Introductory Lecture View Notes (pdf)
Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 2: Groundwork and Basic Definitions I View Notes (pdf)
Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 3: Groundwork and Basic Definitions II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 4: Groundwork and Basic Definitions III View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 4a: Groundwork and Basic Definitions IV View
MSE 597H Lecture 5: Electrochemical Equilibrium I View Notes (pdf)
Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 6: Electrochemical Equilibrium II View Kaltura Video Stream

MSE 597H Lecture 7: Electrochemical Equilibrium III View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 8: Electrochemical Equilibrium IV View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 9: Electrochemical Equilibrium: Alloying Effects View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 10: Alloying Effects Case Study: The NaNiCl System View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 11: Tortuosity in Porous Electrodes I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 12: Tortuosity in Porous Electrodes II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 13: Porosity Inhomogeneities in Battery Electrodes I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 14: Porosity Inhomogeneities in Battery Electrodes II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 15: The Electrode Interface I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 16: The Electrode Interface II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 17: The Butler-Volmer Relation I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 18: The Butler-Volmer Relation II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 19: Interface Related Reactions I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 20: Interface Related Reactions II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 21: Interface Related Reactions III View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 22: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries I View
MSE 597H Lecture 23: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 24: Midterm Review View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 25: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries III View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 26: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries IV View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 27: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries V View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 28: Dendrites in Rechargable Batteries VI View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 29: Ohmic Losses and the Reation Zone Model I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 30: Ohmic Losses and the Reation Zone Model II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 31: Electrolytes, Salts, and Separator Materials View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 32: Advanced Battery Architectures I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 33: Advanced Battery Architectures II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 34: Porous Electrode Theory I View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 35: Porous Electrode Theory II View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 36: Stresses in Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Materials View Kaltura Video Stream
MSE 597H Lecture 37: Final Review View Kaltura Video Stream