Birck Nanotechnology Seminar Series

In This Series

  1. Development of Iontronics

    Online Presentations | 19 Jan 2018 | 454 users

    In this talk, I'm going to show the novel technique to modulate carrier density making use of ionic liquid electrolytes. With electrolyte gating, we can modulate up to 10^15/cm2 of carrier density at the interface which is 2 orders of magnitude larger than conventional gate dielectrics and...

  2. Nano Device Laboratories - Beyond More than Moore CMOS

    Online Presentations | 21 Dec 2017 | Contributor(s): Wen-Kuan Yeh | 1438 users

    NDL (National Nano Device Laboratories) is an important place to cultivate high-level technology talents for semiconductor and nano techniques in Taiwan.  It has become a national open nano device process test environment, and provided a unique open experiment research environment for...

  3. Mesoscopic Optics

    Online Presentations | 29 Jan 2018 | Contributor(s): Hui Cao | 76 users

    In applications, optical scattering is the main obstacle to imaging or sending information through turbid media. Recent developments of adaptive wavefront shaping in optics enabled imaging and focusing of light through opaque samples. By selective coupling to open or closed channels, we varied...

  4. Integrated Photonic and Plasmonic Signal Transduction for Micro- and Nanomechanical Sensing

    Online Presentations | 08 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Vladimir Aksyuk | 233 users

    Measuring unknown quantities by coupling them to mechanical motion dates back at least 5000 years: simple equal-arm balances used for weighing goods in ancient Egypt are in fact mechanical measurement tools, with motion detected optically by the human eye. Modern microfabrication enables...

  5. Environmental Impacts of Nanoparticles: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful

    Online Presentations | 16 Jul 2018 | Contributor(s): James Kubicki, NACK Network | 1648 users


  6. Scalable Thermal Energy Technologies Seminar

    Online Presentations | 20 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Shannon Yee | 309 users

    The thermal conversion technologies that STEEL currently focusses on are: (i) polymer-based thermoelectrics, (ii) thermoelectro- chemical converters, specifically sodium ion heat engines and redox flow coolers, (iii) mass manufacturable thermoelectric technologies, and (iv) betavoltaic energy...

  7. Secure Human Centered Network of Intelligent Devices using Human Body Communication and In-Sensor Analytics

    Online Presentations | 28 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Shreyas Sen | 624 users

    In this talk we will highlight how a Secure Human-Centered Network of Intelligent Devices can be employed using multiple on-body sensors and a body hub connected to the cloud by efficiently incorporating (1) Staged Inference i.e. distributing the analytics in a hierarchical manner from sensors...

  8. Processing Science at Scale to Traverse the ‘Valley of Death’ from Fundamental Science to Commercialization

    Online Presentations | 06 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Bryan D. Vogt | 120 users

    Fundamental early-stage research can benefit from consideration of scalability, processing and manufacturability. Shorter vignettes will be presented describing how these concepts can be applied generally to defined problems at various technical readiness levels (TRLs).

  9. Laser Processing and Printing of Multilayer Films for Inexpensive and Flexible Microsystems

    Online Presentations | 29 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Rahim Rahimi | 622 users

    In the first section, I will describe the use of localized CO2 laser irradiation to selectively convert thermoset polymer films (e.g., polyimide) into electrically conductive and highly porous carbon micro/nano structures. This process provides a unique and facile approach for direct writing of...

  10. GHz CMOS-MEMS Resonators

    Online Presentations | 05 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Dana Weinstein | 155 users

  11. Softening Hard CMOS Electronics through Manufacturable Heterogeneous Integration

    Online Presentations | 09 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Muhammad Mustafa Hussain | 98 users

    Moving forward as Internet of Everything (IoE) seamlessly connects people, process, device and data – can CMOS technology be expanded further to achieve new features in CMOS electronics while maintaining and/or strengthening existing attributes? Will the functionalities over cost be...

  12. Building Bone with Polymers: How New Materials & Additive Manufacturing are Changing Medicine

    Online Presentations | 20 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Matthew L. Becker | 607 users

    This presentation will describe the use of several translationally relevant chemistries and functionalization strategies that are impacting the practice of medicine and how physicians are planning for future therapies using additive manufacturing that were not possible previously.

  13. Energy Conversion with Semiconducting Polymers

    Online Presentations | 30 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Michael Chabinyc | 27 users

    We will discuss how soft X-ray scattering and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy can be used to reveal the charge transport pathways in semiconducting polymers. These studies provide a basis for understanding how electrical doping impacts their thermoelectric performance. We will...

  14. Quantum Optics on a Nonlinear Chip

    Online Presentations | 08 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Alexander Solntsev | 324 users

    Bringing the concepts of quantum entanglement and optical nonlinearity together, and integrating them on a chip, opens a way to efficient generation of entangled photons and entanglement.

  15. Semiconducting Halide Perovskite Nanomaterials and Heterojunctions

    Online Presentations | 10 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Letian Dou | 288 users

    Firstly, we present new synthetic methodology of halide perovskite nanowires with desired size, composition, and properties. Such synthetic approach includes colloidal, solution-phase, and vapor-phase growth. Sub-micrometer single crystal nanowires from solution-phase growth were demonstrated...

  16. Organic Conductive Polymers for Wearables Electronics

    Online Presentations | 29 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Gegory A. Sotzing | 534 users

    Our research laboratory has been involved with the incorporation of PEDOT-PSS into fabrics such as nonwovens like synthetic leathers, and wovens/knits such as spandex. We have discovered that a phase segregation of PEDOT and PSS occurs when PEDOT-PSS is applied to fabric via an esterification...

  17. The implication of Using Conductive Nitrides as Alternative Plasmonic Materials: Going Beyond TiN and ZrN

    Online Presentations | 29 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Panos A. Patsalas | 268 users

    In this seminar, the optical properties of VN, NbN, TaN, WN, and MoN polycrystalline and epitaxial films will be reviewed and will be critically evaluated by comparing them with ab initio calculations of the band structure of the ideal cubic crystals. Their optical performance will be also...

  18. Massively Parallel Sensing of Molecules with Mid-infrared Frequency Combs

    Online Presentations | 03 Jul 2018 | Contributor(s): Konstantin L. Vodopyanov | 134 users

    Mid-infrared spectroscopy offers supreme sensitivity for detection of trace gases, solids and liquids, based on specific for this spectral region telltale vibrational bands. I will present a new platform for mid-infrared spectroscopy, based on a pair of mutually coherent and broadband frequency...

  19. Magnon-Mediated Interlayer Coupling and Spin-Transfer Torques

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2018 | Contributor(s): Ran Cheng | 379 users

    In this talk we propose a magnonic analog of spin‐valve composed of insulating ferromagnet/antiferromagnet/ferromagnet trilayer. We find that magnons inside the antiferromagnetic spacer can mediate an effective exchange coupling between the two ferromagnets similar to the RKKY interaction.

  20. Shape-Preserving Transformation of Synthetic and Biogenic Structures into Chemically-Tailored 3-D Macroscopic and Microscopic Materials

    Presentation Materials | 23 Oct 2018 | Contributor(s): Kenneth H. Sandhage | 67 users

    Biological and synthetic self-assembly processes can yield macro-to-microscale structures with a variety of morphologies and fine patterned features. For example, intricate three-dimensional (3-D) microscale silica-based, chitin-based, and sporopollenin-based structures with finely-patterned...