Sensing Technology Needs in Long-Term Human Space Exploration

By Antony Jeevarajan


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The sensing technologies are mainly derived from three broad areas, namely, absorbance, fluorescence and electrochemical. The development of a sensing system with unique requirements for space applications in these areas will be addressed. The application of these sensing systems in Tissue Engineering Biotechnology experiments will also be discussed. During long-term space missions, crew health monitoring is very important due to the ill-effects of radiation, microgravity and isolation. These monitoring systems include imaging, bioanalytical instrumentation including microscope, flow cytometer, mass spectrometer etc. The development of a mini-flowcytometer for space applications with associated cellular and biological fluid processing systems will also be discussed.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Antony Jeevarajan (2005), "Sensing Technology Needs in Long-Term Human Space Exploration,"

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
