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  1. ME 697 Lecture 16: Computational Methods - Molecular Dynamics

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2020

  2. ME 697 Lecture 15: Computational Methods - Gases

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2020

  3. ME 697 Lecture 14: Brownian Motion II

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Steve Wereley

  4. ME 697 Lecture 13: Brownian Motion I

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Steve Wereley

  5. ME 697 Lecture 12: Continiuum Flow - Nonspherical

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Steve Wereley

  6. ME 697 Lecture 11: Continiuum Flow - Sphere V

    Online Presentations | 19 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Steve Wereley

  7. Room Temperature Sodium Sulfur Batteries

    Online Presentations | 06 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Bryan D. Vogt

    In this talk we discuss how roll-to-roll processing is being used to fabricate low cost self-assembled materials for beyond Li ion battery technologies.

  8. Gas Turbines: Basics of Thermal Barrier Coatings and Impurity Interactions

    Online Presentations | 22 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Rodney Wayne Trice

  9. Laser Processing and Printing of Multilayer Films for Inexpensive and Flexible Microsystems

    Online Presentations | 29 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Rahim Rahimi

    In the first section, I will describe the use of localized CO2 laser irradiation to selectively convert thermoset polymer films (e.g., polyimide) into electrically conductive and highly porous carbon micro/nano structures. This process provides a unique and facile approach for direct writing of...

  10. Processing Science at Scale to Traverse the ‘Valley of Death’ from Fundamental Science to Commercialization

    Online Presentations | 06 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Bryan D. Vogt

    Fundamental early-stage research can benefit from consideration of scalability, processing and manufacturability. Shorter vignettes will be presented describing how these concepts can be applied generally to defined problems at various technical readiness levels (TRLs).

  11. In-Situ Examination of Thermal Runaway in Lithium-ion Batteries under Dynamic Loading and at High Temperatures using Nanomechanical Raman Spectroscopy

    Online Presentations | 22 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Vikas Tomar

  12. Microgrids

    Online Presentations | 06 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Thomas E Adams

  13. Transition from Army to Civilian Career

    Online Presentations | 07 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Wayne Leuthold

  14. Reserve Batteries & You!

    Online Presentations | 07 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Sam Stuart

  15. Emergency Power for Nuclear Power Plants

    Online Presentations | 21 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Wayne Leuthold

  16. Scalable Thermal Energy Technologies Seminar

    Online Presentations | 20 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Shannon Yee

    The thermal conversion technologies that STEEL currently focusses on are: (i) polymer-based thermoelectrics, (ii) thermoelectro- chemical converters, specifically sodium ion heat engines and redox flow coolers, (iii) mass manufacturable thermoelectric technologies, and (iv) betavoltaic energy...

  17. Opti-500 Lecture 6 - Data Networks

    Online Presentations | 22 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): CIAN ERC

  18. Opti-500 Lecture 5 - Transmission System

    Online Presentations | 22 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): CIAN ERC

  19. Secure Human Centered Network of Intelligent Devices using Human Body Communication and In-Sensor Analytics

    Online Presentations | 28 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): Shreyas Sen

    In this talk we will highlight how a Secure Human-Centered Network of Intelligent Devices can be employed using multiple on-body sensors and a body hub connected to the cloud by efficiently incorporating (1) Staged Inference i.e. distributing the analytics in a hierarchical manner from sensors...

  20. Opti-500 Lecture 3 - WDM, SONET

    Online Presentations | 22 Feb 2018 | Contributor(s): CIAN ERC