Resources: Series

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  1. NCN Nano-Devices for Medicine and Biology: Tutorials

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    From among the many tutorial lectures available on the nanoHUB, we list a few that convey new approaches to the development of new kinds of devices for applications in medicine and biology.

  2. NCN NEMS: Tutorials

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    From among the many tutorial lectures available on the nanoHUB, we list a few that convey new approaches to the development of new kinds of nano-electro-mechanical systems and devices.

  3. NCN Nanoelectronics: Courses

    Series | 28 Nov 2007

  4. NCN Nanoelectronics: Tutorials

    Series | 28 Nov 2007

    From among the many tutorial lectures available on the nanoHUB, we list a few that convey new approaches to electronics.

  5. NCN Nanomaterials: Tutorials

    Series | 02 Jun 2009

  6. NCN Nanomaterials: Courses

    Series | 02 Jun 2009

  7. Introductory Seminars on What is Nanotechnology?

    Series | 06 Apr 2010 | Contributor(s): Joseph M. Cychosz (editor)

    A collection of presentations which answer an aspect of the question "What is nano?"

  8. NCN Nanophotonics: Tutorials

    Series | 20 Jun 2008

    From among the many tutorial lectures available on the nanoHUB, we list a few that convey new approaches to optics, metamaterials, and photonics.

  9. NCN Nanoelectronics: Research Seminars

    Series | 28 Nov 2007

    Many research seminars are available on the nanoHUB. Listed below are a few that discuss new device possiblities.

  10. Quantum Mechanics: Landauer's Formula

    Series | 08 Jul 2008 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska, Gerhard Klimeck

    When a metallic nanojunction between two macroscopic electrodes is connected to a battery, electrical current flows across it. The battery provides, and maintains, the charge imbalance between the electrode surfaces needed to sustain steady-state conduction in the junction. This static...

  11. NCN Nanoelectronics: Simulation Tools for Education

    Series | 28 Nov 2007

    Many simulation tools are available on the nanoHUB. The tools have been well-tested and here include supporting materials so that they can be effectively used for education or intelligently used for research. The educational tools include example a first time users guide and example homework...

  12. ECE 495N Teaching Materials: Homeworks and Exams (Fall 2007)

    Series | 29 Oct 2007 | Contributor(s): Supriyo Datta, Saptarshi Das

    Homework assignments and handouts for Fall 07 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics.

  13. Birck Nanotechnology Seminar Series

    Series | 21 Feb 2007

  14. Introduction to the CENEMS Simulation Tool (Learning Module)

    Series | 15 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s): , Narayan Aluru

    This learning module is an introduction to the CENEMS simulation tool. Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) often contains multiple nanoscale conductors. CENEMS is a user-friendly 2-D classical electrostatic analysis tool that computes the charge density distribution on the surface of the...

  15. NCN NEMS: Research Seminars

    Series | 19 Jun 2008

    Many research seminars are available on the nanoHUB. Listed below are a few that discuss new NEMS device possiblities.

  16. From Semi-Classical to Quantum Transport Modeling

    Series | 10 Aug 2009 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska

    This set of powerpoint slides series provides insight on what are the tools available for modeling devices that behave either classically or quantum-mechanically. An in-depth description is provided to the approaches with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Conclusions...

  17. Introduction to nanoMOS

    Series | 02 Jul 2007 | Contributor(s): James K Fodor, Jing Guo

    This learning module introduces nanoHUB users to the nanoMOS simulator. A brief introduction to nanoMOS is presented, followed by voiced presentations featuring the simulator in action. Upon completion of this module, users should be able to use this simulator to gain valuable insight into the...

  18. Introduction to FETToy

    Series | 03 Jul 2007 | Contributor(s): James K Fodor, Jing Guo

    This learning module introduces nanoHUB users to the FETToy simulator. A brief introduction to FETToy is presented, followed by voiced presentations featuring the simulator in action. Upon completion of this module, users should be able to use this simulator to gain valuable insight into the...

  19. Introduction to Schred

    Series | 28 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s): James K Fodor, Jing Guo

    This learning module introduces nanoHUB users to the Schred simulator. A brief introduction to Schred is presented, followed by voiced presentations featuring the simulator in action. Upon completion of this module, users should be able to use this simulator to gain valuable insight into the...

  20. Modeling Single and Dual-Gate Capacitors using SCHRED

    Series | 31 Mar 2006 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska

    SCHRED stands for self-consistent solver of the 1D Poisson and 1D effective mass Schrodinger equation as applied to modeling single gate or dual-gate capacitors. The program incorporates many features such as choice of degenerate and non-degenerate statistics for semiclassical charge description,...