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  1. PHYS 344 Lecture 06: Hydrogen Atom

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  2. PHYS 344 Lecture 03A: Waves and the Wavefunction

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  3. PHYS 344 Lecture 03B: Observer Determines Reality? | Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  4. PHYS 344 Lecture 04B: Water Waves, Bullets, and Quantum Waves II

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  5. PHYS 344 Lecture 03C: Quantum Myths

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  6. NUCL 200 Lecture 11: Charged Particle Interactions I

    Online Presentations | 23 Sep 2024

    Topics:Positron decay, electron capture, energy distribution, decay schemesAlpha decay schemeCharged particle interactions/mechanismsStopping powerBethe-Bloch equationDefinition of range

  7. NUCL 200 Lecture 12: Charged Particle Interactions II

    Online Presentations | 23 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner

    Topics:Review of Bethe-Bloch equationCalculation of rangeBragg-Kleeman ruleScaling for a mixture of materialsRelative stopping powerRanges for scaling with different particlesRadiiation/collisions and implications on shielding electronsRange calculations of charged particles

  8. NUCL 200 Lecture 07: Nuclear Reactions

    Online Presentations | 23 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner

    Topics:Review: Fundamental conservation laws, Q, mass defect, and binding energyStep by step through the liquid drop modelMaxwellian distributionIdeal gas law and definition of pressureAtom density

  9. NUCL 200 Lecture 08: In Class Problems - Liquid Drop Model and Decay Scheme

    Online Presentations | 20 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner

  10. W52 - Security of Quantum Computer Architectures and Hardware

    Online Presentations | 20 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Jakub S.

    The focus of the seminar will be on superconducting qubit quantum computers, however, the security ideas can be applied to other types of quantum computers....

  11. PHYS 344 Lecture 05: Interference in Two Slit Experiements

    Online Presentations | 19 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Erica Carlson

  12. Workforce Needs Assessment: A Framework of Best Practices

    Presentation Materials | 19 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Jennifer S. Linvill, Emeline Anne Hecht, Kerrie Douglas, Peter Bermel

    The Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) program provides a workforce development program aimed to actively grow a clearable and knowledgeable microelectronics engineering workforce that is scalable and sustainable. This research project assessed the workforce and technical needs of...

  13. Scaling Up: Preparing a Career-Ready Defense Microelectronics Engineering Workforce Through Needs Assessments

    Presentation Materials | 19 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Jennifer S. Linvill, Emeline Anne Hecht

    Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement (SCALE) is the nation’s preeminent program for developing a next-generation microelectronics engineering workforce. It focuses on developing a scalable and sustainable workforce development program for microelectronics engineering...

  14. NUCL 200 Lecture10: Photon Interactions II

    Online Presentations | 17 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner

    Topics:Specific activity reviewPhoton interactions: Compton scattering, photoelectric effect, pair production Cross sections and mass attenuation factorCalculating number of collisions and intensity

  15. NUCL 200 Lecture 09: Photon Interactions I

    Online Presentations | 17 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner

    Topics:Definition of cross-sectionDefinition of barnDifference between and x-ray and a gammaEnergy distributions of gammas, x-rays, and BremsstrahlungMechanisms behind Bremsstrahlung generationPhotoelectric effectCompton scattering

  16. Magnetic monopole, Magnetic flux tube and Absolute negative resistance-Strings Attached

    Teaching Materials | 16 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): deepalakshmi chandrasekaran

    Relationship Between Magnetic Flux Tubes and Magnetic Monopoles Magnetic flux tubes and magnetic monopoles are interconnected concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the context of gauge theories and superconductivity. The following synthesis presents key insights from multiple...

  17. SDMS L5.04: MOSFET Modeling With Silvaco III

    Online Presentations | 16 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska

  18. SDMS L5.03: MOSFET Modeling With Silvaco II

    Online Presentations | 16 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska

  19. SDMS L5.02: MOSFET Modeling With Silvaco I

    Online Presentations | 12 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska

  20. NUCL 200 Lecture 09A: Test Prep

    Online Presentations | 12 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s): Allen Garner