By jeff bude; kent smith; Steven Clark1; HALDUN KUFLUOGLU1; dhanoop varghese1; Nauman Zafar Butt1

1. Purdue University

Simplex Monte Carlo - solves for hot electron and hole distribution functions (DF) given input PADRE solution and mesh files.

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Version 2.0.5 - published on 16 Jun 2016

doi:10.4231/D3B853K0R cite this

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Version Released DOI Handle Published
2.0.5 16 Jun 2016 doi:10.4231/D3B853K0R yes
2.0.4 29 Mar 2016 doi:10.4231/D3N29P76F no
2.0.3 29 Mar 2016 doi:10.4231/D38S4JQ41 no
2.0.2 06 Oct 2014 doi:10.4231/D33X83M6M no
2.0.1 31 May 2011 doi:10.4231/D3SN0141H no
2.0 29 Jan 2010 doi:10.4231/D30P0WQ7K no
1.0 07 Apr 2005 N/A no
1.0 N/A N/A no