Tags: 2D materials and devices

Presentation Materials (1-2 of 2)

  1. Identifying Dimensionality of Periodic Crystals

    03 Feb 2020 | Contributor(s):: Franco Vera, Joshua Thomas Paul, Richard Hennig, Nancy Ruzycki

    Today, researchers worldwide have identified over 100,000 distinct bulk materials. The underlying dimensionality of these materials is not always clear however, and as such researchers have sought to identify stable, lower dimensional materials derived from the bulk parent structures. A team of...

  2. Energy Transport in Bi-Te-Se Topological Insulators

    Presentation Materials | 21 Mar 2019 | Contributor(s):: Shouyuan Huang, Vasudevan Iyer, Xianfan Xu

    Topological insulators (TIs) are a new phase of material that allows metallic conducting electrons at its surface while the bulk is insulating. Besides, the topological surface electrons’ spin orientation is always locked perpendicular to its moving direction, called...