Tags: density functional theory (DFT)

All Categories (1-20 of 223)

  1. Jul 12 2010

    2010 NCN@Purdue Summer School: Electronics from the Bottom Up

    This year’s summer school will have two components: a focus on nanoelectronic devices, with an introduction to spintronics and, second, tutorials on selected topics in nanotechnology. First, we use...


  2. 2010 NCN@Purdue Summer School: Electronics from the Bottom Up

    Workshops | 18 Jan 2011

    Electronics from the Bottom Up seeks to bring a new perspective to electronic devices – one that is designed to help realize the opportunities that nanotechnology presents.

  3. 2016 IMECE Tutorials on Phonon Transport Modeling

    Courses | 04 Jan 2017 | Contributor(s):: Alan McGaughey, Xiulin Ruan

    Advances in theoretical methodologies and computational power in the last fifteen years have enabled the prediction of phonon properties with high resolution and fidelity. Notably, the use of molecular dynamics simulations, lattice dynamics calculations, density functional theory calculations,...

  4. 3 min. Research Talk: Computational Catalysis - Creating a User-Friendly Tool for Research and Education

    Online Presentations | 31 Jan 2019 | Contributor(s):: Kevin Greenman

    Heterogeneous catalysis is used in a significant portion of production processes in the industrialized world, which makes maximizing the efficiency of catalysts a high priority. However, the immense number of candidates for new catalysts precludes the possibility of testing all of them by...

  5. Permission denied message when running single oxygen atom

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    I'm attempting to run the single oxygen atom from HW 1.3 in the Atoms to Materials course.  There appears to be a file permission problem when copying a file.   



  6. What is the suitable tool for calculating the HOMO/LUMO of specific molecular?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0


  7. A Guide to the MIT Atomic Scale Modeling Toolkit for nanoHUB.org

    Teaching Materials | 22 Nov 2022 | Contributor(s):: Enrique Guerrero

    This document is a guide to the Quantum ESPRESSO application within the >MIT Atomic Scale Modeling Toolkit The guide was designed to be presented as part II of the nanoHUB seminar “A condensed matter physics class and a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) with the MIT...

  8. A Machine Learning Aided Hierarchical Screening Strategy for Materials Discovery

    Online Presentations | 09 Sep 2021 | Contributor(s):: Anjana Talapatra

    In this tutorial, we illustrate this approach using the example of wide band gap oxide perovskites. We will sequentially search a very large domain space of single and double oxide perovskites to identify candidates that are likely to be formable, thermodynamically stable, exhibit insulator...

  9. A Python Script For Energy Diagram Generation (CP2K NEB)

    Downloads | 16 Dec 2019 | Contributor(s):: Kamalpreet Singh, Oleksandr Voznyy

    This python script utilizes the .ener file generated by an NEB calculation performed in CP2K (quantum chemistry and solid-state physics software package) to generate the corresponding energy diagram alongside the appropriate raw data.

  10. A Python Script for Siesta Structure/Coordinate Block Generation

    Downloads | 06 Jan 2020 | Contributor(s):: Kamalpreet Singh

    Siesta Structure/Coordinate Block Generation This script will read a .xyz file and prepare a coordinate file for Siesta. The coordinate block can be copied directly to the clipboard or saved as a text file.

  11. ab initio simulations with ORCA

    Tools | 28 Jul 2015 | Contributor(s):: nicolas onofrio, Alejandro Strachan

    ab initio and density functional theory calculations dedicated to molecular systems

  12. Abhisek kole


  13. ABINIT

    Tools | 13 May 2004 | Contributor(s):: Amritanshu Palaria, Xufeng Wang, Benjamin P Haley, Matteo Mannino, Gerhard Klimeck

    Run the community code ABINIT for electronic structure calculations under density functional theory through a convenient graphical user interface

  14. ABINIT: First-Time User Guide

    Teaching Materials | 09 Jun 2009 | Contributor(s):: Benjamin P Haley

    This first-time user guide provides an introduction to using ABINIT on nanoHUB. We include a very brief summary of Density Functional Theory along with a tour of the Rappture interface. We discuss the default simulation (what happens if you don't change any inputs, and just hit...

  15. Active Learning via Bayesian Optimization for Materials Discovery

    Online Presentations | 09 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Hieu Doan, Garvit Agarwal

    In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the use of active learning via Bayesian optimization (BO) to identify ideal molecular candidates for an energy storage application.

  16. Additional Tutorials on Selected Topics in Nanotechnology

    Workshops | 23 Mar 2011 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck, Umesh V. Waghmare, Timothy S Fisher, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja

    Select tutorials in nanotechnology, a part of the 2010 NCN@Purdue Summer School: Electronics from the Bottom Up.

  17. Akshat Saraf

    Chemistry PhD Student at Georg August Universität GöttingenUsing computational chemistry to better inform electrochemical experiments


  18. Aleksander Joachim Tomanek


  19. Alexander S McLeod

    A graduate from the Physics and Astrophysics programs at the University of California, Berkeley, I first began working in materials research and computational physics in the summer of 2008 as an...


  20. Ali lashani zand
