Tags: molecular electronics


In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman presented an amazing talk entitled There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, in which he proposed making very small circuits out of molecules. More than forty years later, people are starting to realize his vision. Thanks to Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) probes and "self-assembly" fabrication techniques, it is now possible to connect electrodes to a molecule and measure its conductance. In 2004, Mark Hersam et al. reported the first experimental measurement of a molecular resonant tunneling device on silicon. This new field of Molecular Electronics may someday provide the means to miniaturize circuits beyond the limits of silicon, keeping Moore's Law in force for many years to come.

Learn more about molecular electronics from the resources on this site, listed below. More information on Molecular electronics can be found here.

Resources (121-140 of 144)

  1. Scanning Probe Microscopes

    Animations | 15 Mar 2005 | Contributor(s):: EPICS LSPM Team

    Laura explains how scanning probe microscopes can be used to create images of small devices, molecules, and even atoms! A large-scale version of the scanning probe microscope is built out of Legos to show the basic principles.

  2. Feasibility of Molecular Manufacturing

    Animations | 14 Mar 2005 | Contributor(s):: EPICS LSPM Team

    Martin and Laura have an interesting debate about the feasibility of Molecular Manufacturing. Can molecular assemblers be developed to create new materials, new devices, and even macroscopic objects? Find out... If Martin ever wakes up!

  3. MATLAB Scripts for "Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor"

    Downloads | 15 Mar 2005 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Tinker with quantum transport models! Download the MATLAB scripts used to demonstrate the physics described in Supriyo Datta's book Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor. These simple models are less than a page of code, and yet they reproduce much of the fundamental physics observed in...

  4. Measuring Molecular Conductance: A Review of Experimental Approaches

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2003 | Contributor(s):: Ron Reifenberger

    Measuring Molecular Conductance: A Review of Experimental Approaches

  5. Electrical Resistance: An Atomistic View

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2003 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    Electrical Resistance: An Atomistic View

  6. Chemistry of Molecular Monolayers

    Presentation Materials | 09 Jul 2003 | Contributor(s):: David Allara

    Chemistry of Molecular Monolayers

  7. Huckel-IV on the nanoHub

    Online Presentations | 09 Jul 2003 | Contributor(s):: Magnus Paulsson, Ferdows Zahid, Supriyo Datta

    Huckel-IV on the nanoHub

  8. Understanding Molecular Conduction

    Online Presentations | 08 Jul 2004 | Contributor(s):: Supriyo Datta

    It is common to differentiate between two ways of building a nanodevice: a topdown approach where we start from something big and chisel out what we want and abottom-up approach where we start from something small like atoms or molecules andassemble what we want. When it comes to describing...

  9. Quantum Chemistry Part I

    Online Presentations | 08 Jul 2004 | Contributor(s):: Mark Ratner

    This tutorial will provide an overview of electronic structure calculations from achemist's perspective. This will include a review of the basic electronic structuretheories.

  10. Probing Molecular Conduction with Scanning Probe Microscopy

    Online Presentations | 08 Jul 2004 | Contributor(s):: Mark Hersam

    This tutorial will provide an overview of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) andits application towards problems in molecular conduction. In an effort to communicatethe power and limitations of these instruments, the tutorial will describe designconsiderations and reveal the detailed construction of...

  11. IWCE 2004 Held at Purdue

    Workshops | 24 Oct 2004

    IEEE and NCN sponsored the 10th International Workshop of Computational Electronics at Purdue, October 24-27, with the theme "The field of Computational Electronics - Looking back and looking ahead."

  12. 2004 Molecular Conduction Workshop

    Workshops | 08 Jul 2004

    The tutorials supplied below were part of the Molecular Conduction Workshop held at Northwestern University in July of 2004.

  13. 2004 Linking Bio and Nano Symposium

    Workshops | 26 Jul 2004

    Explore ways universities can work together in Bio-NanoTechnology. Discover research opportunities in this emerging area. Network with professionals and researchers who share common interests. Hear the latest on current research topics

  14. SURI 2003 Conference

    Workshops | 07 Aug 2003

    2003 SURI Conference Proceedings

  15. 2003 Summer Institute Wokshop on Molecular Conduction

    Workshops | 09 Jul 2003

    The tutorials supplied below were part of the Molecular Conduction Workshop held at Purdue University in July of 2003.

  16. 2003 Molecular Conduction Workshop Agenda

    Presentation Materials | 09 Jul 2003

    This workshop brought together leading groups in this field to discuss status and key challenges in molecular electronics. Both experimental and theoretical/modeling efforts were discussed.

  17. A Personal Quest for Information

    Online Presentations | 19 Feb 2004 | Contributor(s):: Vwani P. Roychowdhury

    This talk will report results and conclusions from my personal investigations into several different disciplines, carried out with the unifying intent of uncovering some of the fundamental principles that govern representation, processing, and the communication of information. The specific...

  18. Macromolecular Simulation: A Computational Perspective

    Online Presentations | 16 Feb 2004 | Contributor(s):: Robert D. Skeel

    The study of cold atomic gases is exploding, driven largely by the rapid experimental developments. This field has become highly interdisciplinary, connecting a great variety of interesting problems: weakly and strongly correlated quantum condensed matters, nuclear matters, and physics of low...

  19. Molecular Electronics Pathway for Molecular Memory Devices

    Online Presentations | 06 Feb 2004 | Contributor(s):: Ranganathan Shashidhar

    We have been developing a scale molecular electronic device using a 30 nm sized plant virus particle as the scaffold. This talk describes the bioengineering aspects of how the virus particle is converted to a molecular electronic circuit and its electrical characterization. The talk describes...

  20. Electronic Transport Through Self-Assembled Monolayers

    Online Presentations | 25 Feb 2004 | Contributor(s):: Takhee Lee

    Characterization of charge transport in molecular scale electronic devices has to date shown exquisite sensitivity to specifics of device fabrication and preparation. Thus, intrinsic molecular band structure has been problematic to extract from published results. Here we demonstrate...