Tags: polymers


A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds. Whereas the term polymer is sometimes taken to refer to plastics, it actually encompasses a large class of natural and synthetic materials with a wide variety of properties.

Learn more about quantum dots from the many resources on this site, listed below. More information on Polymers can be found here.

Questions & Answers (1-5 of 5)

  1. What’s Sigma(0)

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 0

    Hey everyone,

    I’m trying to find the right words to practically describe what the Sigma0 term in Motts VRH “Sigma(T) = Sigma0.EXPhttps://nanohub.org/answers/question/891

  2. How to fill zmatrix

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    Hello. For a long time the problem is when filling zmatrix for https://nanohub.org/answers/question/2164

  3. How to input the initial monomer file for creating the condensation polymer if I have the xyz file of the monomer molecule?

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    I have the xyz file for a monomer (Lactic Acid)

    I want to create the polymer Poly Lactic Acid (condensation polymer) using the xyz file for monomer.

    I tries running the same...


  4. How to make p3ht polymers

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 5

    I want to make a polymer of p3ht but it doesn't work. when I try to make a polymer by uploading a p3ht monomer in z-matrix format, only Monomer-zmatrices,OutputLog,Download is displayed in...


  5. Problem Modeling Polycarbonate

    Q&A|Closed | Responses: 2

    Hi I'm trying to model polycarbonate and am having problems once using the MD steps. I've tried using the below Z-matrix but the ring structure doesn't survive the simulation. I then...
