Tags: research seminar

Resources (241-260 of 328)

  1. Embedding science and technology education into students' lifestyles and technology choices

    Online Presentations | 06 Dec 2005 | Contributor(s):: Krishna Madhavan

    Learning experiences of the future will be multi-sensory, engage technologies and significant computational power continuously and invisibly, and will be completely engaging. The emergence of highly cross-disciplinary fields like nanoscale science and technology, bioinformatics, and...

  2. VolQD: Graphics Hardware Accelerated Interactive Visual Analytics of Multi-million Atom Nanoelectronics Simulations

    Online Presentations | 13 Dec 2005 | Contributor(s):: Wei Qiao

    In this work we present a hardware-accelerated direct volume renderingsystem for visualizing multivariate wave functions in semiconductingquantum dot (QD) simulations. The simulation datacontains the probability density values of multiple electron orbitalsfor up to tens of millions of...

  3. Translational Molecular Imaging

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: Val J. Lowe

  4. Ovarian Cancer: Progress and Challenge

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: Daniela Matei

  5. Therapeutic Agent Delivery

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: Charles Erlichman

  6. Sex, Drugs and A.L.L.: How Current Clinical Biomarkers and Therapeutic Agents Point to Future Opportunities in Childhood Leukemia Research

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: Terry A. Vik

  7. Multianalyte Approaches to Cancer Diagnosis

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: George G. Klee

  8. Testicular Cancer

    Online Presentations | 16 Aug 2005 | Contributor(s):: Stephen D. Williams

  9. NCLT Seminar Series

    Series | 23 Nov 2005

    National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering. (NCLT). The mission of NCLT is to develop the next generation of leaders in NSE teaching and learning, with an emphasis on NSEE capacity building, providing a strong impact on national STEM education. The guiding...

  10. Field Regulation of Single Molecule Conductivity by a Charged Atom

    Online Presentations | 29 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Robert Wolkow

    A new concept for a single molecule transistor is demonstrated. A single chargeable atom adjacent to a molecule shifts molecular energy levels into alignment with electrode levels, thereby gating current through the molecule. Seemingly paradoxically, the silicon substrate to which the molecule...

  11. New Frontiers in Nanocomputing

    Series | 03 Nov 2005

    Welcome to Frontiers in Nanocomputing, a seminar series that focuseson systems issues for nanoelectronics. Our topic was FundamentalLimits of Digital Computation. The questions to each speaker were: Whatare the fundamental limits? How close are we to those limits? Howrelevant are they...

  12. An Electrical Engineering Perspective on Molecular Electronics

    Online Presentations | 26 Oct 2005 | Contributor(s):: Mark Lundstrom

    After forty years of advances in integrated circuit technology, microelectronics is undergoing a transformation to nanoelectronics. Modern day MOSFETs now have channel lengths that are less than 50 nm long, and billion transistor logic chips have arrived. Moore's Law continues, but the end of...

  13. Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS): Coming Revolution in the Gathering of Information

    Online Presentations | 01 Sep 2005 | Contributor(s):: Kensall D. Wise

    Wireless integrated microsystems promise to become pervasive during the coming decade in applications ranging from health care and environmental monitoring to homeland security. Merging low-power embedded computing, wireless interfaces, and wafer-level packaging with microelectromechanical...

  14. Laser Cooling of Solids

    Online Presentations | 06 Oct 2005 | Contributor(s):: Massoud Kaviany

    Enhanced laser cooling of ion doped nanocrystalline powders (e.g., Yb3+: Y2O3) can be achieved by enhancing the anti-Stokes, off-resonance absorption, which is proportional to the three design-controlled factors, namely, dopant concentration, pumping field energy, and anti-Stokes transition rate....

  15. Basic Electronic Properties of DNA

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: M. P. Anantram

  16. Nanofactories - In - Situ Production of Therapeutic Genes...

    Online Presentations | 27 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: James Leary

  17. Nanostructure Engineered Sensors for Gas Detection in Space and Terrestrial Applications

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Jing Li

    A nanosensor technology has been developed using single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on a pair of interdigitated electrodes (IDE) processed with a silicon-based microfabrication and micromachining technique. These sensors have been exposed to nitrogen dioxide, methane, acetone, benzene,...

  18. Towards Molecular Electronic Circuitry: Selective Deposition of Metals on Patterned ...

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Amy Walker

    We have developed a robust method by which to construct complex two- and three- dimensional structures based on controlling interfacial chemistry. This work has important applications in molecular/organic electronics, sensing, and other technologies. Our method is extensible to many different...

  19. Top-Metal/Molecular Monolayer Interactions and Final Device Performance

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Curt A Richter

    The top-metal/molecular-monolayer interface is of critical importance in the formation of molecular electronic (ME) devices and test structures. I will discuss two experimental studies of ME devices in which the final device performance can be attributed to top-metal/molecule interactions:...

  20. Organic Electronics Part II: Electric Field Modulation

    Online Presentations | 28 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s):: Jiri Janata

    A solid state platform has been designed and fabricated that allows characterization of candidate organic semiconductor materials used in organic field-effect transistors (OFET). A systematic experimental protocol has been outlined that allows the separation of contribution of contact resistance...