Tags: topological materials and matter

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  1. Sandeep Kumar Verma


  2. Classical Computing with Topological States: Coping with a post-Moore World

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Avik Ghosh

    There are two examples I will focus on ? one is doing conventional Boolean logic at low power below the thermal Boltzmann limit, using the topological properties of Dirac fermions to control transmission across a gated interface. The other is doing collective computing using temporal state...

  3. Judy Cha

    Judy Cha is the Carol and Douglas Melamed Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale University. The Cha research group focuses on synthesis and transport...


  4. Fundamental Properties of a New van der Waals Material: Tellurium

    Online Presentations | 01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s):: Peide "Peter" Ye

    We report the first experimental observation of Weyl fermions in a semiconductor -- high-quality n-type tellurene (the two-dimensional form of tellurium) achieved by atomic layer deposited dielectric doping.

  5. Tunneling Into Emergent Topological Matter

    Online Presentations | 14 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s):: Jia-Xin Yin

    n this talk, I will discuss the proof-of-principle methodology applied to study the quantum topology in this discipline, with particular attention to studies performed under a tunable vector magnetic field, which is a relatively new direction of recent focus...

  6. Jia-Xin Yin

    Dr. Jia-xin Yin is currently a Postdoctorial Researcher in Prof. Zahid Hasan's team in Princeton University, USA, and focuses on the scanning tunneling microscopy of emergent topological matter,...


  7. Josephson Detection of Multiband Effects in Superconductors

    Online Presentations | 07 Sep 2020 | Contributor(s):: James Williams

    In this talk focus be given to the modification of conventional Josephson effects due to the loss of time reversal symmetry found to exist in proximity-induced Josephson junction of SnTe nanowires.

  8. James Williams

    James Williams received his B.S. in 2002 from Santa Clara University and his Ph.D. in 2009 from Harvard University. His area of research is experimental condensed matter physics. Specifically, he...


  9. Engineering Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling for a Bose-Einstien Condensate

    Online Presentations | 28 Aug 2020 | Contributor(s):: Ian B. Spielman

    I will describe our engineered Rashba spin-orbit coupling for a cold atomic gas giving non-trivial topology, without the underlying crystalline structure that conventionally yields integer Chern numbers.

  10. Metaphotonics and Metasurfaces Governed by Mie Resonances

    Online Presentations | 14 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Yuri Kivshar

    This talk will highlight some recent advances in all-dielectric Mie-resonant metaphotonics including active and nonlinear nanophotonics as well as the recently emerged fields of topological photonics.

  11. Electronic States of Novel Topological Materials Studied by ARPES

    Online Presentations | 14 Jul 2020 | Contributor(s):: Takafumi Sato

    In this talk, we will present novel electronic states of some exotic topological materials such as TSMs and topological superconductors, studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). We will focus on the following subjects.

  12. Topological Materials as Platforms for New Particles and Electromagnetic Responses

    Online Presentations | 06 Jun 2019 | Contributor(s):: Joel Moore

    We then turn to how topological Weyl and Dirac semimetals can show unique electromagnetic responses; we argue that in linear response the main observable effect solves an old problem via the orbital moment of Bloch electrons, and how in nonlinear optics there should be a new quantized effect,...

  13. Se Kwon Kim
