NCN Workshop on Simulation-Based Learning: Exploring Semiconductors, Nanoelectronics, and Beginning Chemistry

by George B. Adams III, Krishna Madhavan, Sean Brophy, Alejandra J. Magana

Version 27
by (unknown)
Version 28
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 ='''NCN Workshop on Simulation-Based Learning'''=
3 '''Workshop Attendees'''
5 [[Image(20091106workshopattendees.jpg)]]
7 Photo by George Adams.
9 Back row (left to right):
10 Shaikh Ahmed,
11 Vladimir Gavrilenko,
12 Mihai Dimian,
13 Baudilio Tajerina,
14 Ron Cosby,
15 Scott Sinex,
16 Arturo Ayon,
17 Gerhard Klimeck,
18 Claudia Luhrs,
19 Tomekia Simeon,
20 Tanya Faltens.
22 Front row (left to right):
23 Franklin Nkansah,
24 Suely Black,
25 Hasina Haq,
26 Sean Brophy,
27 Krishna Madhavan,
28 Stella Quinones,
29 Alejandra Magana,
30 Randy Libros,
31 Edmund Ndip,
32 Shueh-Ji Lee.
34 Not pictured: Dragica Vasileska, George Adams.
35 [[BR]]
36 ----
37 ----
39 November 5 – 6, 2009[[BR]]
40 Big Ten Conference Headquarters and Meeting Center[[BR]]
41 Chicago, IL
42 -
43 +
45 Workshop attendees will:
47 • employ the “How People Learn Framework” to design effective student learning experiences using;
49 • identify opportunities and the issues that attend the use of simulations in learning situations;
51 • identify how best to utilize in your curriculum; and
53 • identify how faculty have successfully incorporated into their curricula.
56 The workshop will include hands-on experience with semiconductor simulation tools on nanoHUB and discuss proven practices for using nanoHUB resources to reach classroom goals.
59 '''FINAL Workshop Agenda'''
61 November 5, 2009 - Meetings at the Conference Hotel
62 ||1:00 - 5:00pm||Participants arrive at the Hotel||
63 ||5:30 - 6:15pm||Registration||
64 ||6:15 - 6:30pm||Setup, Getting Settled In||
65 ||6:30 - 7:30pm[[BR]]'''Ice Breaker'''||General Introduction to the Goals of the Workshop||
66 ||7:30pm - Open[[BR]]'''Networking'''||Group Dinner||
68 November 6, 2009 - Meetings at the Big 10 Conference Center[[BR]]
69 Shuttle from Hotel to Big 10 Conference Center at 7:45am. Please check out of hotel before you board the shuttle.
70 ||8:00 - 8:30am||Breakfast||
71 ||8:30 - 8:45am||Welcome, Overview: Backwards Design for Instruction||
72 ||8:45 - 9:15am||Focus on Learning Objectives||
73 ||9:15 - 10:00am||Peer Case Studies||
74 ||10:00 - 10:30am||How People Learn: Theory and Practice||
75 ||10:30 - 10:45am||Break||
76 ||10:45 - 11:15am||Evidence of Learning[[BR]]Focus on Assessment||
77 ||11:15 - 11:45am||Refining and Revisiting Learning Objectives||
78 ||11:45 - 12:30pm||Broad Introduction to nanoHUB Content[[BR]]Exchanging nanoHUB Resources||
79 ||12:30 - 1:00pm||Lunch||
80 ||1:00 - 2:30pm||Designing your Learning Activities and Assessments||
81 ||2:30 - 3:00pm||Share and Compare||
82 ||3:00 - 3:15pm||Break||
83 ||3:15 - 4:30pm||Finalize Implementation Plan and Wrap-up||
84 ||4:30pm||Adjourn - Travel to Airport[[BR]]Participants - please ensure you can stay for the entire duration of workshop when you plan travel||
87 '''Please take the time to share your thoughts!'''
89 Please take the time to share your thoughts and experiences and help us better understand how to use computational simulations as learning tools.
91 Please respond to a short questionnaire by clicking on your name. The information you will provide to us will be very useful to identify how nanoHUB is being used for educational purposes. We are interested in learning more about your instructional approaches for incorporating nanoHUB simulation tools as part of the classroom activities.
93 Thank you.
95 ||[ Michael Awaah]||
96 ||[ Mihai Dimian]||
97 ||[ Shueh-Ji Lee]||
98 ||[ Randly Libros]||
99 ||[ John Attia]||
100 ||[ Franklin Nkansah]||
101 ||[ Arturo Ayon]||
102 ||[ Edmund Ndip]||
103 ||[ Ram Mohan]||
104 ||[ Scott Sinex]||
105 ||[ Claudia C. Luhrs]||
106 ||[ Tanya Faltens]||
107 ||[ Jean Andrian]||
108 ||[ Dragica Vasileska]||
109 ||[ Ron Cosby]||