Resources for Materials Science and Engineering

by Gerhard Klimeck, Alejandro Strachan, Benjamin P Haley

Version 18
by (unknown)
Version 19
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 ''This is a draft accumulation of the electronic structure and molecular dynamics codes hosted on nanoHUB. When complete, this page will link to both the tools and the supplemental material.''
3 [[Image(strainbands3.png, 200, class=align-right)]]
5 ==Tools==
6 [[Resource(strainbands)]]
7 powered by: Electronic structure calculations performed by [[/ PWscf and Quantum-Espresso v3.2.2]]. Maximally-localized Wannier functions calculated by [[/ Wannier90 v1.0.2]].
9 :This tool can be used to explore the influence of strain on first-principles bandstructures of semiconductors.
11 [[Resource(dftqe)]]
12 :This tool enables nanoHUB users to run quantum ESPRESSO, a powerful electronic structure code. Users can perform total energy calculations, energy minimization to predict structures, obtain the Kohn-Sham band structure of periodic systems as well as phonons.
14 [[Resource(abinit)]] [[Image(benzene_wavefunction-tn.gif, 200, class=align-right)]]
15 :ABINIT is a package whose main program allows to find the total energy, charge density and electronic structure of systems made of electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density Functional Theory, using pseudopotentials and a planewave basis. ABINIT also includes options to optimize the geometry according to the DFT forces and stresses, or to perform molecular dynamics simulation using these forces, or to generate dynamical matrices, Born effective charges, and dielectric tensors. In addition to the main ABINIT code, different utility programs are provided.
16 :[/resources/6874 First Time User Guide for ABINIT on]
17 :[/ Official ABINIT site]
18 :[/ ABINIT New User Guide]
20 [[Resource(qclab)]] powered by GAMESS [[Image(qclab_tn.gif, 200, class=align-right)]]
21 :QC-Lab - Quantum Chemistry Lab. It provides Ab Initio and DFT molecular and electronic structure calculations of small molecules.
22 :[/ GAMESS Website]
24 [[Resource(nmst_dft)]] powered by {{{SeqQuest}}}
25 :This tool provides access to the density functional theory code {{{SeqQuest}}} via {{{SeqQuest}}} is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories by Dr. Peter A. Schultz of the Multiscale Dynamic Materials Modeling Department and collaborators. Using {{{SeqQuest}}} the tool enables users to calculate the total energy, atomic forces and stress for molecules, wires, slabs and bulk systems.
26 :[/ seqQuest webpage] [[Image(SeqQuest1-tn.gif, 200, class=align-right)]]
28 [[Resource(matsimtk)]] powered by Strachan Group MD
29 :The nanoMATERIALS simulation toolkit enables users to perform molecular dynamics simulations of materials using a variety of force fields as well as electronic structure calculations.
30 +
:[/topics/LearningModulePlasticityMD Learning Module: Atomic Picture of Plastic Deformation in Metals]
32 ==Supplemental Material==
33 [[Image(Slide5-tn.gif, 200, class=align-right)]]
34 [/topics/MD Molecular dynamics simulations of materials] is a topics page on MD which summarizes some of the MD tools.