Wish List - Wish List: Wish #362

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Sebastian Steiger

Nanohub for mobile devices

A lot of web traffic will be happening via smartphones in the future. I guess it is worthwhile thinking about having a website compatible with them. For example, I can’t view tickets or wishes from my Android device (problem might be connected to https).


Comments (1)

  1. Shawn Danger Rice

    Most modern smartphones have browsers capable of handling web pages the same as a desktop browser. In fact, this is usually a selling point or touted feature. We do test the site on mobile devices (iPhones, iPads, etc.) and, currently, the only major portion of the site that doesn’t work are the tool sessions due to their dependency upon Java (not supported in iOS devices). There is, however, work being done to rectify even that.

    The issue with support tickets seems to be an Android issue (https, as you suspect) as we’ve never experienced any issues with iOS.

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