Wish List - Wish List: Wish #111

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Michael McLennan

Post content on iTunesU

We should make all of our high-quality seminars (with video files) available on iTunesU, linking back to nanoHUB.org. That way, people can find us out on the internet and come back to nanoHUB.org for more info.

For: external visibility, new users

Comments (2)

  1. Joseph M. Cychosz

    iTunes U presence is in progress.

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  2. Michael McLennan

    Cleanup items: 1) unpublish the old nanoHUB podcast on iTunes. 2) add a banner or badge on the front page “now on iTunesU” linking to the itunes.nanohub.org. 3) fix broken links for “itunes” search items.

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