Wish List - Tool vachecker: Wish #752

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Geoffrey Coram

way to ignore particular warnings

In my code, I get a lot of warnings about parentheses missing in my macros.  I would like to hide these messages and move on to the next warning.


Or perhaps a way to list the more serious violations first, so I don't have to scroll past all the warnings.


Also, I have a model that is not going through NEEDS, so I don't need the warning about no NEEDS license.

Comments (3)

  1. Geoffrey Coram

    In the model I was analyzing today (bsimsoi.va), I got a lot of warnings about "Parameter 'XXX' has no range!"

    I did notice, though, that I can click the Type column header and get the messages sorted by type, so that errors appear at the top.

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  2. Xufeng Wang

    This issue is addressed by adding a "ignore this error" option, when you right-click on the error. 

    Shall we mark this as granted?


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  3. Geoffrey Coram

    Does that menu item ignore all errors of that type?

    If you right-click on a warning, does it say "Ignore this warning"?

    How do I get the warnings to show again, once I've ignored it?

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