Apr 6, 2014, 5:58:05 PM (10 years ago)

Add map coords command to convert screen/mouse x/y to map coords

1 edited


  • trunk/packages/vizservers/geovis/geovis_protocol.txt

    r4282 r4320  
    2929== General dataset, scene and renderer commands ==
     31camera delete <name>
     32       Delete named viewpoint
     33camera dist <distance>
     34       Set camera distance from focal point
     35camera get
     36       Request camera parameters
    3137camera orient <quatW> <quatX> <quatY> <quatZ>
    3238       Set scene orientation using a quaternion
    3844camera reset <?all?>
    3945       Option all resets orientation/rotation as well as pan/zoom/clip range
     46camera restore <name> <?duration?>
     47       Set viewpoint to a named viewpoint, with optional animation duration in seconds
    4048camera rotate <x> <y>
    4149       Specify relative rotation in viewport coordinates
    42 camera zoom <z>
    43        Specify zoom ratio.  z > 1 is a zoom in, z < 1 is zoom out. z = 1
    44        resets to default.
     50camera save <name>
     51       Save current viewpoint to a named viewpoint
     52camera set <x> <y> <z> <heading> <pitch> <distance> <?duration?> <?srs?> <?vertDatum?>
     53       Explicitly set camera parameters, with optional animation duration in seconds
     54       <x>, <y> = Map coordinates of focal point
     55       <z> = Altitude of focal point (see vertDatum)
     56       <heading> = Azimuth in degrees
     57       <pitch> = Elevation in degrees
     58       <distance> = Distance of camera from focal point in map units(?)
     59       <srs> = coordinate system, defaults to map coordinate system
     60       <vertDatum> = vertical datum for interpreting z coordinate
     61camera zoom <y>
     62       Specify zoom by viewport coordinates (i.e. normalized y mouse coords)
    4664clientinfo <list>
     66key press <key>
     67key release <key>
    4869mouse click <button> <x> <y>
    5980screen size <width> <height>
     82map coords <x> <y>
     83    Translate screen/mouse coordinates into map coordinates
    6185General form:
    62 map layer add <type> <url> ... <layerName>
    63     <type> = image|wms|tms|elevation|point|polygon|line|text
     86map layer add <type> <driver> <url> ... <layerName>
     87    <type> = image|elevation|line|point|polygon|text
     88    <driver> = gdal|wms|tms
    6590Specific layer types:
    66 map layer add image <url> <layerName>
     91map layer add image gdal <url> <layerName>
    6792    Add a GDAL image layer from a file or URL
    68 map layer add wms <url> <layers> <format> <transparent> <layerName>
     93map layer add image wms <url> <layers> <format> <transparent> <layerName>
    6994    Add a WMS image layer from a URL + layer string
    7095    <url> = URL of WMS service
    7297    <format> = Image format to return (e.g. 'png')
    7398    <transparent> = bool
    74 map layer add tms <url> <layerName>
     99map layer add image tms <url> <layerName>
    75100    Add a TMS image layer from a URL
    76101    <url> = URL of TMS service
    77 map layer add elevation <url> <layerName>
    78     Add a GDAL elevation image layer from a file or URL
     102map layer add elevation <driver> <url> <layerName>
     103    Add an elevation image layer from a file or URL
     104    <driver> = gdal|tms|wms
    79105map layer add point <url> <layerName>
    80106    Add a point feature layer from a file or URL
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