Sep 11, 2005, 10:49:16 PM (19 years ago)
  • Changed the driver to recognize a new FULLSCREEN environment variable. When this is set, the driver goes into "web" mode, taking over the full screen of the desktop, as we normally do when running within the nanoHUB. This avoids the problem of having to edit the desktop/web setting in the driver file by hand during nanoHUB installations.
  • Fixed min/max scales for curves to work better.
  • Added seconds as recognized units.
1 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/curve.tcl

    r54 r56  
    116116    set max ""
    117117    switch -- $which {
    118         x { set pos 0; set log 0 }
    119         xlog { set pos 0; set log 1 }
    120         y - v { set pos 1; set log 0 }
    121         ylog - vlog { set pos 1; set log 1 }
     118        x { set pos 0; set log 0; set axis xaxis }
     119        xlog { set pos 0; set log 1; set axis xaxis }
     120        y - v { set pos 1; set log 0; set axis yaxis }
     121        ylog - vlog { set pos 1; set log 1; set axis yaxis }
    122122        default {
    123123            error "bad option \"$which\": should be x, xlog, y, ylog, v, vlog"
    156156    }
    157157    blt::vector destroy tmp zero
     159    set val [$_curve get $axis.min]
     160    if {"" != $val && "" != $min} {
     161        if {$val > $min} {
     162            # tool specified this min -- don't go any lower
     163            set min $val
     164        }
     165    }
     167    set val [$_curve get $axis.max]
     168    if {"" != $val && "" != $max} {
     169        if {$val < $max} {
     170            # tool specified this max -- don't go any higher
     171            set max $val
     172        }
     173    }
    159175    return [list $min $max]
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