May 16, 2007, 7:37:45 PM (17 years ago)

Fixed a problem recently introduced with device structures on the
input side. app-rtd was having trouble changing the structure when
you changed devices via the loader.

Fix for support ticket #1631 'can't read "_axis(click-x)": no such
variable'. Added some code to guard against the case when release
gets called somehow before click.

Fix for support ticket #1688 'can't use empty string as operand of "-"'
Fix for support ticket #1689 'divide by zero'
Fix for support ticket #1707 'can't read "_dobj2cols(-energy)":
no such element in array'
All of these fixes had to do with the energy viewer, particularly
in the case where there was only 1 energy level, so the homo/lumo
levels could not be displayed.

Fix for support ticket #1704 'impossible limits (min 1.58489 >=
max 6.30957e-05)'
Added some code to guard against setting limits where min >= max.

1 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/xyresult.tcl

    r736 r738  
    721721                }
    722722            }
    723             if {$min != $max} {
     723            if {$min < $max} {
    724724                $g axis configure $axis -min $min -max $max
    725725            } else {
    10101010            if {[llength $args] != 3} {
    10111011                error "wrong # args: should be \"_axis drag axis x y\""
     1012            }
     1013            if {![info exists _axis(moved)]} {
     1014                return  ;# must have skipped click event -- ignore
    10121015            }
    10131016            set axis [lindex $args 0]
    10661069                error "wrong # args: should be \"_axis release axis x y\""
    10671070            }
     1071            if {![info exists _axis(moved)]} {
     1072                return  ;# must have skipped click event -- ignore
     1073            }
    10681074            set axis [lindex $args 0]
    10691075            set x [lindex $args 1]
    10701076            set y [lindex $args 2]
    1072             if {![info exists _axis(moved)] || !$_axis(moved)} {
     1078            if {!$_axis(moved)} {
    10731079                # small movement? then treat as click -- pop up axis editor
    10741080                set dx [expr {abs($x-$_axis(click-x))}]
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.