9 years |
ldelgass |
Add Makefile flag to enable frame tracing
9 years |
ldelgass |
Don't initiate a pick if the mouse was dragged more than 2 pixels. …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add ability to post placard on select feature command (currently disabled).
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add define for testing new rex terrain engine
9 years |
ldelgass |
Remove redundant call to clearHighlight
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add 'select clear' protocol command, clear previous selection on …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Set flag to redraw on incoming selection command.
9 years |
ldelgass |
Document selection protocol
9 years |
ldelgass |
fix for removing existing picker on map reset
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add agglite image layer: rasterizes a feature source with stylesheet
9 years |
ldelgass |
Use fill attribute of PolygonSymbol? in placard style for backing quad …
9 years |
ldelgass |
update header deps
9 years |
ldelgass |
Use fill color in style for Placard if present.
9 years |
ldelgass |
document new placard style parameters
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add style settings for placard
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add backing quad to placard annotation
9 years |
ldelgass |
explicitly link to osgText library
9 years |
ldelgass |
Document postgis 'db' driver for feature layers, add links to osgearth …
9 years |
ldelgass |
namespace fixes
9 years |
ldelgass |
document placard protocol command
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add command to configure attributes to display in feature info placard.
9 years |
ldelgass |
Require osgearth 2.7, tag place nodes for picking.
9 years |
ldelgass |
Fix for feature highlight
9 years |
ldelgass |
fix protocol doc
9 years |
ldelgass |
Revert change to shader version string (highlight shader requires …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Try finding FeatureSourceIndexNodes? in scene graph to lookup global ID …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Bypass file path check for db driver
9 years |
ldelgass |
postgis driver
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add stub for select features protocol command.
9 years |
ldelgass |
coverage tag shouldn't have been added to general map layer add doc …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Update protocol doc.
9 years |
ldelgass |
fix trace strings
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add zoom camera to extent (fit to vertical FOV) by layer or by …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Initial support for parsing protocols in url strings: "local://" for …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Checkpoint work on adding selection notification
9 years |
ldelgass |
Store layer name in feature options
9 years |
ldelgass |
Require osgearth >= 2.6.0
9 years |
ldelgass |
Initial support for generic feature layer with styles, scripts and …
9 years |
ldelgass |
Protocol for coverage setting, add more layer settings to protocol.
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add ability to set coverage flag when adding image layers (in API, …
9 years |
ldelgass |
GDAL/OGR 1.9.0 can't handle an xml declaration in .vrt files.
9 years |
ldelgass |
Checkpoint commit: add support for wfs, tfs, csv (via vrt in gdal), …
9 years |
ldelgass |
only run iDataInit when username is present
9 years |
ldelgass |
add tracing to iDataInit
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add initial iData client support
9 years |
ldelgass |
Add alignment param for label layer. Fixes for osgearth 2.7
10 years |
ldelgass |
Don't set label priority unless it is not blank.
10 years |
ldelgass |
crash fix
10 years |
ldelgass |
add include
10 years |
ldelgass |
Delete colormap files in ~Renderer
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add legend option for blending against a background color
10 years |
ldelgass |
Fix legend rendering: use colormap min/max to interpolate values (OSG …
10 years |
ldelgass |
add colormap driver option
10 years |
ldelgass |
geovis updates for NSF demo
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add protocol to set map attribution/copyright
10 years |
ldelgass |
fix protocol doc: time is UTC
10 years |
ldelgass |
First pass at protocol to set ephemeris time (currently uses server …
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add protocol option to enable/disable disk caching of image layers
10 years |
ldelgass |
Delete cache dir from main() to allow renderer ref-counted objects to …
10 years |
ldelgass |
move cache to /var/cache/geovis by default
10 years |
ldelgass |
More selection testing
10 years |
ldelgass |
Crash fix for commands sent before map is set up
10 years |
ldelgass |
Having both line and polygon styles on selection rectangle causes …
10 years |
ldelgass |
Initial take on a selection box
10 years |
ldelgass |
Fixes for building with osgearth 2.6
10 years |
ldelgass |
screen coords command now takes a list of coordinates
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add resources directory command line option, preliminary testing of …
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add pin annotations for testing
10 years |
ldelgass |
add token to map/screen coord commands
10 years |
ldelgass |
Add some Makefile flags for sleep throttling settings
10 years |
ldelgass |
Update version numbers in configure
10 years |
ldelgass |
copy geovis from trunk
10 years |
ldelgass |
add separated render server directories