
NCN Software Boot Camp 2008

May 20-23, 2008, Purdue University

Here are the slides from the NCN Software Boot Camp for 2008. Learn the basics of scientific programming in MATLAB, Fortran, and other programming languages. Use the Rappture toolkit to accelerate the development of interfaces for scientific tools. Get your tools online at


May 20 What is nanoHUB? Demo and overview
1.1 Using Workspaces on
1.2 Introducing the Rappture Toolkit
1.3 More Rappture Objects
May 21 2.1 Introduction to Scientific Programming in MATLAB
2.2 Adding Rappture to MATLAB Applications
2.3 Tips for Building Better Rappture-based Tools
May 22 3.1 Review of Scientific Programming in C and Fortran
3.2 Rappture with C and Fortran
3.3 Advanced Rappture Concepts
May 23 4.1 Using Rappture and Tcl to Wrap Other Programs
4.2 Using Subversion for Source Code Control
4.3 Developing Tools for
Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on May 22, 2008, 8:09:31 PM

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