
Rappture Units

  1. What are Rappture Units?
  2. Currently Available Rappture Units.
  3. Future Rappture Units.
  4. Requesting Units.

What are Rappture Units

Currently Available Rappture Units

Currently, for the Rappture graphical user interface, the following units are available:

Time Units

  • s - seconds (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • min - minute
  • h - hour
  • d - day

Temperature Units

  • F - fahrenheit (Base Unit)
  • C - celcius (Base Unit)
  • K - kelvin (Base Unit)
  • R - rankine (Base Unit)

Length Units

  • m - meters (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • A - angstrom (Base Unit)
  • in - inch (Base Unit)
  • ft - feet
  • yd - yard
  • mi - mile

Energy Units

  • eV - electron Volt (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • J - joule (Base Unit) (Metric)

Volume Units

  • gal - US gallon (Base Unit)
  • L - liter (Base Unit) (Metric)

Angle Units

  • deg - arc degree (Base Unit)
  • grad - gradian (Base Unit)
  • rad - radian, unit of plane angle (Base Unit)

Mass Units

  • g - gram (Base Unit) (Metric)

Pressure Units

  • atm - atmosphere (Base Unit)
  • bar - bar (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • Pa - pascal (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • psi - pounds per square inch (Base Unit)
  • torr - torr (Base Unit)
  • mmHg - millimeters of Mercury

Concentration Units

  • pH - concentration of Hydrogen (Base Unit)
  • pOH - concentration of Hydroxide (Base Unit)

Force Units

  • N - newton (Base Unit) (Metric)

Magnetic Units

  • T - tesla (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • G - gauss (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • Wb - weber (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • Mx - maxwell (Base Unit) (Metric)

Miscellaneous Units

  • V - volt, electric potential (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • mol - mole, quantity (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • Hz - hertz, frequency (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • Bq - becquerel, radioactivity (Base Unit) (Metric)
  • amu - atomic mass unit (Base Unit)
  • B - bel, audio transmission (Base Unit)

Future Rappture Units

In the future, users should be able to convert from cubic meters and liters.

Requesting Units

Who do you have to contact to get your units recognized by Rappture?
Send email to the Rappture mailing list and we'll see what we can do.

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Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Apr 29, 2009, 12:47:29 PM