
Progress Info: A Proposal

Rappture has a simple function for reporting progress during simulation. For example, in C language, the call would be:

rpUtilsProgress(25, "Solving sparse matrix...");

This brings up a progress bar showing 25% and the message Solving sparse matrix... beneath it. Your program should call this again and again during a long simulation to update the percentage and the message displayed to the user.

Users of some simulators need to see more than a simple status message. For example, suppose a simulator spends a while trying to achieve convergence for an initial solution, and then computes solutions at a series of time points. During the initial solution, the user might want to see a plot of convergence, so if the solution is wandering, the simulation can be aborted. After the initial solution, the user may want to see a plot for each time point, or perhaps a 2D image at each time point, to get a feeling of how the simulation is progressing.

These advanced scenarios could be handled by defining Rappture objects within a <progress> section of the tool.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <phase id="init">
    <curve id="converge">
      <about><label>Convergence of Initial Solution</label></about>
  <phase id="solve">
    <image id="2D">
      <about><label>2D Solution</label></about>

This example has two phases of progress. The first phase is used during the initial solution and shows a plot of error (on a log scale) versus iteration number. The second phase is used when computing solutions at each time point and it shows a 2D image of the solution for each time point.

Progress would be reported within the simulation program as follows:

import Rappture
import sys

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
driver = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

Tstr = driver.get('input.number(temperature).current')
T = Rappture.Units.convert(Tstr, to="K", units="off")

# phase 1 - initial solution
iter = 0
while !converged: the computation...
    Rappture.Utils.progressData(driver, 'progress.phase(init).curve(convergence).component.xy', '%d %g\n' % (iter,err), op='append');

# phase 2 - solution for each time point
t = 0.0
while t < tmax: the computation...
    str = Rappture.encoding.encode(imgdata)
    Rappture.Utils.progressData(driver, 'progress.phase(solve).image(2D).current', str, op='overwrite');
    Rappture.Utils.progress(t/tmax*100, 'Solving at t = %g' % t);


When data is sent to a particular phase, it appears on the screen. Note that separate progress() calls can be used in addition to the progressData() calls to indicate overall progress.

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on May 17, 2012, 7:43:52 PM