
Publication Quality Graphs

Completed items are in overstrike. Comments in italic.

  • Plots should be 3.4 inches square to fit in a standard journal column
    • The default size is 3.4 inches by 3.4 inches.
  • Fonts should be no smaller than 10 pt
    • Font sizes can be set in the dialog (and saved).
  • Times fonts look very nice on a printed page
  • Arial fonts are better for presentations (e.g. Powerpoint)
    • Font families can be set in the dialog (and saved).
  • The Postscript output should be easily manipulated in Illustrator
    • Titles should be one string (not a succession of one character strings)
  • Legend (key) entries should be in the same order as curves on the page (e.g. for 4 curves, the first key entry should be the uppermost curve in the plot)
  • Plots should be black and white only -- color plots cost extra to publish, and not all journals support them
    • You can set this in the dialog. But maybe there should be an easier way to set this. The question is what do you use instead of color to distinguish traces? line style? symbol?
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Aug 26, 2010, 8:43:05 AM